Health Magazine

…run Together

By Zer @the2women

…run togetherIt’s hard to believe, but we are now officially through four weeks of Urbanathalon training (click here if confused by this sentence…we’ll be here when you get back).

It’s been a different kind of training process.  I’ve grown accustomed to training runs and all that, but strength training is a whole new experience.

Did you know there are different kinds of push-ups?  I’m not talking about “girly” (which is just insulting) vs. “real” push-ups.

These are full body workout push-ups unto themselves.

Of course, like most things in life, what doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger.

So I got used to the new push-ups…and immediately had to start learning a new one (which is even harder).

Despite the shoulder killing push-ups the first third of training has still flown by amazingly fast.

Already another Sunday is upon us (shortly) and that means one thing.  Nothing.  Sorry I forgot one thing.  Absolutely Nothing.

Sunday’s are rest days, and it is a beautiful thing.

Because of our extra Sunday time, we’ve decided to make a bit of a change to our blogging format.

Don’t worry, this is a good thing.

Starting tomorrow, with our promised Summer Movie Wrap-up, every Sunday will be a duel blog day.

That means both of us will be presenting our points of view on a chosen topic.  It will be one entry under a to be determined pseudonym and it will be awesome.

The opinions may be the same.  They may be different.  We are willing to risk the arguments/disagreements (and I assure you, there will be some) for you guys.

So brace yourselves for:  Zerephanie…no, wait…Stephazer…Twofer…Zernie…Stephaniezer…I guess we’ll go with


I still like Stephaniezer.


…bi-daily smile…

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