The background
Queen Elizabeth II’s corgis have reportedly attacked Princess Beatrice’s 11-year-old Norfolk terrier Max. The nasty encounter, which reportedly occurred at Balmoral castle last week, left Max badly injured. It’s the latest in a series of full-blooded scraps between royal dogs.
The Princess’s beloved pet nearly lost an ear and suffered several bloody bite injuries that had to be treated by a local vet. Max came of the worst for wear when a fight erupted between six corgis and three Norfolk terriers.
Three of the Queen’s dogs – Monty, Willow and Holly – played a starring role in the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games last month, appearing alongside the Queen and James Bond actor Daniel Craig.
What kicked off the scrap? The dog boy lost control
“The Queen’s dog boy was taking the corgis for a walk and they were joined by the Norfolk terriers which came with Prince Andrew,” an insider told The Sunday Express, which broke the royal dog scrap story. “”They were being taken along the long corridor leading to the Tower Door before being let into the grounds for a walk, and they all became overexcited. They began fighting among themselves and unfortunately the dog boy lost control.” The source told The Express: “The next thing we knew there were horrific yelps and screams and it seems the corgis picked on Max.”
Max is one treasured and lucky mutt
Max has been the most treasured possession of fifth-in-line-to-the-throne Princess Beatrice, who turned 24 earlier this month, since she received him for Christmas when she was 13, reported The Telegraph, which noted that the dog featured on the family’s 2005 Christmas card in a photograph taken by the Duchess of York. Max’s picture was also emblazoned on a £450 handbag, which she carried to the Royal Family’s Easter service at St George’s Chapel in 2004.
The barney was not Max’s first brush with danger. He disappeared in December 2008 from the family home in Windsor Great Park, and a search party was launched which included the Queen, the Duchess of York and Princess Eugenie. Three weeks later he was found bedraggled and hungry.
Corgis were originally bred for herding cattle.
Dangerous dogs?
“It is not without irony that the incident coincides with the toughening of the regime covering dangerous dogs,” noted Political Scrapbook. New guidelines for judges could mean tougher penalties for owners of dangerously out of control dogs — including custodial sentences of up to 18 months. “Liz should be grateful the new regime only applies to attacks on humans.”
Lay off the corgis
“Contrary to popular opinion, the Queen’s corgi are actually usually very well behaved,” insisted Tom Sykes at The Daily Beast. “Although William says they drive him nuts, a film-maker who worked on the Olympic film says that the Queen’s corgis performed their roles better than the stand-ins, enabling the sequence to be shot in one take.”
The Queen, Daniel Craig as James Bond and the Royal corgis
Royal Dog Boy. What!
Readers of snarky American website Gawker expressed delight that there is such a thing as a Royal Dog Boy. One commentator said, “’Royal Dog Boy’ that better be a real title. I’ll be looking for that job posting on Craigslist. Or should I say ‘Corgislist’. HARDY HAR HAR.” Another added, “My first thought as well.. sounds like they need a Royal Dog Whisperer. I’m available! I love England!”