The instructions are provided for a Windows PC, since Odin works on that. However, you may also use Heimdall on Linux.
- Required recovery & cache package
- Odin3 Flashing tool version 1.85
- Jellybean 4.1.1 build:GC100XXALK1 (you don’t really need this, unless your current firmware refuses to accept the CF root used above)
- USB Drivers for your Galaxy Camera
Just to put things in perspective, this is standard CF-root for Galaxy Camera – you just need to flash the rooted recovery and cache as PDA in Odin.
Step 1: Extract the CF-Auto-Root-gd1-ekgc100.tar.md5 file from the recovery and cache package that you downloaded, and keep it in the same folder as Odin (makes it easier to find).
Step 2: Run Odin3 1.85 as administrator by right-clicking its icon and choosing “Run as administrator”.
Step 3: Put the Galaxy Camera in download mode (Turn it off, and turn back on while pressing and holding Volume Down+Camera+Power).
Step 4: Connect the camera to PC using USB cable. If drivers are installed fine, the first box under ID:COM will turn yellow.
Step 5: Hit the PDA button and point to the .tar.md5 file you extracted in step 1. Do not make any other changes, but make sure Re-Partition is UNCHECKED.
Step 6: Click Start, and wait for the process to complete.