Society Magazine

Romney Campaign Misspells “America”

Posted on the 30 May 2012 by Btchakir @btchakir

iPhone supporters of Romney probably didn’t notice it, but everyone else did:

Romney Campaign Misspells “America”


Talking Points Memo:

The “With Mitt” app, released by the campaign, lets users customize photos with various “Mitt-inspired” frames. “I’m With Mitt,” “American Greatness” and “Believe in America” are among the frame options.

But one stands out: “A Better Amercia” — typo and all. The misspelled word was widely mocked on Twitter after the photo frame made the rounds. An instagram user flagged the photo, and TPM verified the unfortunate typo was still a part of the app Wednesday morning.

The Romney campaign told TPM that the mistake was “corrected immediately” and submitted to Apple. “They have to approve our update,” the campaign said.


Yeah? The graphic above was copied less than 2 hours ago. I didn’t know Apple got that involved with designer’s apps.

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