Over the last months, we met several times via Skype as the steering committee for the “CVV Sharing” – five members to plan and organize this year’s meeting at spring equinox weekend.
Yesterday, Sunday evening, we had an extraordinary meeting where we wanted to discuss the impact of the corona virus and the latest anti-virus regulations – how to continue with next weekend’s meeting in Northern Germany. Our two dear friends from Denmark, team members, just had informed that they would not be able to come – Denmark had just closed down the borders to Germany. I thought of “ro-pla”, rolling planning. I had evaluated the dangers and was resolved to go in spite of difficulties. In the afternoon already, I had checked official German and Swiss websites and saw that the border to Germany was not closed – not yet.
During our Skype meeting, we had an interesting exchange. I told what I had experienced in my surrounding – what the situation was doing with the people and the heating up of the topic via mails, social media, newspaper. I told what I heard from my son, an officer of Swiss Army and ambulance man who might have to go this week for service at the Italian border supporting hospitals in emergency. One team member expressed that he feels it is a hype, that the fear and virulence of discussion is stronger than the effects of the virus. He shared some interesting thoughts from his perspective of being a spiritual astrologer – about the Pluto-Saturn conjunction in Capricorn and its impact on societies.
The other member, also a spiritual astrologer and in addition a profound symbologist, mathematician and IT specialist, said that he tries to understand the effect of the corona virus not by “what the virus is” but by observing how it expresses – its signature and symbolic characteristics. For him, it has to do with fire, it shows qualities of Leo, the royal sign, and it even carries the Latin name for “crown”.
CoronaNow the rulers of nations close the borders of their “kingdoms” – something some have dreamt of before – and people get locked up in their places. It affects the way we rule our lives. Environmentalists did not succeed in what the nearly invisible virus brought about in a few weeks – drastically cutting down flights and other travels.
Observing the statistics published about the fast spreading virus, he sees that this dynamism will for sure not be stopped in a matter of a few weeks – the graphics show a development intensity that will take months to calm down again, even with new and effective medicines on the markets….
Suddenly during the conversation my telephone started ringing. My youngest son just came back from Germany and my wife was driving him to his home. They told me that at 8 am next morning Germany will shut down the borders to Switzerland and other countries.
I realised that I cannot travel, will stay locked up. In the Skype meeting we discussed the new situation. My friends decided that they will try to keep up the group life. I could no more join them.
In the night, while I was sending out the invitations that the online study groups will continue this week with a special for equinox celebration, they communicated,
“The CVV sharing is taking place. We think it’s important to meet in this situation for joint meditation and seek the vertical connection to the Master energy. The program will change because we have some cancellations… Our plea: Come to share! There is no better way to strengthen the immune system as social / spiritual contacts, group meditation, the testimony to Timeless Wisdom, Love… and humour! Let us remain aligned in love.”
I will join in spirit – and with our online groups.
P.S.: My friend mentioned above commented:
“Dear Ludger, the Latin word corona has so many meanings. One main is the surrounding, limiting circle, a Saturn symbolism. Once upon a time, the world power Rome crowned its slaves. Rome, the Lion capital of the Lion country Italy – a really heartful country, but also the first corona-infected in Europe!
Our world is divided in rich and poor. Most of humanity lives in poverty. The apparently privileged people in Europe and all over the world are becoming slaves to the financial and economic systems. More and more we are loosing our creativity, our big Lion potential – the other side of the meaning: corona, the heavenly the Sun power.
I hope we will return to that power and the main Lion gifts – giving and loving.”