
Role of Panchkarma in Migrane

Posted on the 15 October 2020 by Chandigarhayurved

Headache is one among the most common reasons patients seek medical attention , on a global basis

being responsible for more disability than any other neurological problem. Migraine is the 2nd most common primary headache, also known as 'Hemi crania' , means 'half of the head' It affects 15% of women and 6% of men over a period of 1 year. A migraine is usually a moderate or severe headache, with a heaviness in the half of the head.

Apart from this, most people see headache as well as other symptoms like vomiting, dizziness, difficulty in seeing, etc.

It is an episodic headache that is associated with certain features such as sensitivity to light, sound or movement. Nausea and vomiting often accompany the headache. Due to this, the helpless pain in the head lasted from a few hours to a few days. This problem may start in childhood or it may not be known until adulthood.

It is benign and recurring syndrome of headache associated with other symptoms of neurologic dysfunction in varying admixtures. Migraine can often be recognized by its activators, referred to as triggers. In Ayurveda it can be correlated to Ardhavabhedaka. Allopathic treatment shows very limited role in treatment of this disease. However Ayurvedic treatments, especially Panchakarma offers significant relief treatment of this disease.

Migraine sufferers can benefit from Ayurvedic treatments. Ayurveda treats the disease at its root cause from within. Panchakarma, in Ayurveda plays a unique role in the management of the disease. All the Panchakarma procedures are indicated for migraine however Nasya Karma plays a vital role in disintegrating the pathology of the disease.

The vitiated doshas alleviated by Upvasadi langhana and digestive drugs do at a time get aggravated but those eliminated by Panchakarma do not recure. So Panchakarma leads to complete cure according to type of prognosis i.e. Sadhya, Krichasadhya, Yapya, Anupkrama etc.

The doshas can be well compared with trees. Unless the tree is uprooted from its root, it will grow (in spite of branches. Such is the case with vitiated doshas. They go on causing diseases unless they are eliminated from their root.

What are the Causes of Migraine?

There are several migraine triggers, including:

What type of migraine is there?

Migraines are of many types, some of which are as follows-

Visual Migraine - This type of migraine is also known as Classical Migraine. This migraine is found in about 25 percent of people. In the case of classic migraine, people have eye problems such as black spot in the light, glare in the light, etc.

Visible loss Migraine - It is estimated that about 11 percent of people worldwide suffer from this and if they suffer a severe headache, then some people suffer from vomiting, mood swings etc.

Menstrual Migraine - As the name suggests, this migraine occurs only to women.This migraine occurs in about 60 percent of women, mainly on the date of the onset of menstruation.

Chronic Migraine - Another name for this migraine is also mixed headaches as it involves the tissues of migraine and stressful headaches.

Panchakarma in Migraine Headache

Snehana Karma

* Use of Uttam Matra of Chatuh Sneha * Jeerna ghrita paana * Shiro Abhayanga with Dashmoola Taila, Kanaka Taila, Rudra Taila etc.


Sneha acts as a solvent to remove the obstruction by dissolving Doshasin it, resulting in the removal of Srotorodha. After proper Snehanaall cells of the body becomes completely saturated with fats. the fat material comes out to extra-cellular fluid by osmosis process. Due to the aqueous properties of Sneha and liquefied Mala brought from the tissues, the levels of fatty acids etc. increases in the blood resulting in the high plasma volume. To keep up the equilibrium of the normal plasma level, the extra amount of liquidreaches to the Koshta for excretion. Later on, this increased amount of the body fluids are evacuated through other therapies, like Vamana, Virechana.

Svedana Karma

* Nadi Sveda * Upnaha Sveda (Specially Jangala Mamsa Upanaha) * Pariseka ( Specially Aushadha siddha ksheeradhara) Under Murdhani Taila Shirobasti is specially treatment of choice in all shiroroga, Acharya Charaka & Sushruta indicated Shirobasti in Ardhavabhedaka


During Shiroabhayanga different type of mechanical sensation is given to the skin like pressure, rubbing, touches. These impulses are received by respective receptors present on the skin surface and carried to the hypothalamus and provides soothing effect and also stimulates para sympathetic nervous system, thus decreases stress hormones like cortisol and adrenalin and dilates blood vessels. All these factors provide relaxation to the mind and relieves pain.


* Acharya Sushruta indicated Shiro lepa Some of the indicated Shirolepa are: * Sarivadi Shirolepa * Vayavidangadi Lepa * Tiladi Lepam


It is a Snigdha Swedayukta procedure. It has dual benefits of both Snehana and Svedana. The temperature of the Taila in Shirobasti leads to peripheral vasodilation. This increases the peripheral circulation which nourishes the tissues, hastens phagocytosis and brings about regenerative changes.Thus Shirobasti is a very complex process certainly influencing the Shareerika and Manasika Dosha.

Nasya Karma

In Nasya Karma the medicine is put into nostril, moves in the channels upto the Shringataka and spreads to whole of the interior of the head and tothe junction place where all the channels related to eyes, ears and throat situated together, thus shows influence on Shiras by removing out the accumulated Doshas localized in Shiras i.e. from all sinuses in the skull, the action known as Shirovirechana. The olfactory nerves entering olfactory mucosa of nose carry the sheaths dura, arachnoids and pia with them. They directly enter into the brain. Olfactory straie are extensively connected to the limbic system stimulation can nourishment of nerve ending throughNasya alters the pathology of migraine.

Nasya Karma plays a significant role in the management of Migraine * Acharya Charaka mentioned Shirovirechana Nasya * Acharya Sushruta mentioned Nasya

Basti Karma

In Ardhavabhedaka, Niruha Basti prepared with Vatanashaka drugs should be given first, followed by Anuvasana Basti prepared of Ghrita, Taila etc. Basti is being considered as the one of the best therapeutic procedures for the management of migraine. The rectum with its vascularity and venous plexuses provides a good absorbing surface and many soluble substances produce their effect more quickly by entering into systemic circulation. Due to Achintya Prabhavaof Basti, it might have reduced swelling of temporal artery and there by the patient gets relief from symptoms.

Vamana Karma

The active principle of VamanaDravya taken orally is absorbed from the stomach into circulatory system, where from it is circulated to all over body. On reaching at the site of Dosha Sanghata, which is at the cellular level, it breaks the nexus of Dosha and brings back the toxic substances thus released into the stomach, where from they are expelled out of the body by the action of vomiting. Acharya Charaka indicated Vamana Karma , even Sadyo Vamana can be planned if doshas are in Utkleshavastha. Practically it shows significant affect in the reducing the frequency of Migraine attacks

Virechana Karma

Virechana Dravya produced mild irritation in stomach and intestinal mucosa respectively, to cause inflammation, which facilitates quick absorption of the active principal of the drug in initial stage. Later on it facilitate the excretion of the morbid matters, which generally are not supposed to be excreted out through the mucosa of gut. It is possible only because of inflammation increases the permeability of the capillaries, which in turn allow the absorption, as well as excretion of such substances.

* Acharya Charaka9 and Yogratanakara10 indicated Virechana Karma * Depending upon the condition, Lakshanas and Doshas, Vamana Karma followed by Virechana Karma can be planned


Provides significant relief in the symptoms of migraine. Acharya Charaka indicated Dahana Karma. It is indicated on Lalata and Shankha Pradesha at two Angula area. As per Ayurveda, 'pain cannot occur without involvement of Vata Dosha'. Agni has Ushna Guna, this Ushna Guna gets transferred to Twak(skin), and normalises Vata and Kapha, helped to reduce Shirashoola in Ardhavabhedaka.


The vitiated blood can be detoxified by Raktamokshana (bloodletting). Removal of toxins balances the Doshas. It can remove Avarana of Kaphaor PittaDoshagiving way for Anulomana indirectly cures the Vatika symptoms along with Pitta and KaphaDosha and patient gets immediate relief in pain. In acute migraine attack, Raktamokshanafrom the jugular vein is beneficial.


Involves gently pouring liquids over the forehead. The liquids used in Shirodhara can include oil, milk, buttermilk, coconut water or even plain water. Its work by relaxing the hypothalamus in the brain, also normalize the functions of hormones that regulate sleep and emotions. The soothing of Marma`s and in turn soothing of Nervous system and endocrine glands as an effect of Shirodhara treatment procedure will definitely relax Prana Vayu, Sadhaka Pitta and Tarpaka Kapha in the brain


It dilates blood vessels and helps in oxidation of blood. It leads to adequate tissue perfusion and oxygenation. Thus, reduces inflammation, pain, itching and eliminates infection


* Acharaya Charaka indicated Dahana Karma * The Agnikarma is indicated on Lalata and Shankha Pradesha at two angula area * Agnikarma is indicated for mainly shleshma pradhanata, however if rakta and pitta are aggravated more then agnikarma should not be done.

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