Lifestyle Magazine

Rock Your Workout With a Fun Playlist and a Yummy Drink

By Secondchancesgirl
Disclosure: This shop has been compensated  by Collective Bias, Inc., and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone.  #V8LlenodeSabor #CollectiveBias
Hi! Raise your hand if you are still into a "new year, new me" mindset? (HANDS RAISED HIGH OVER HERE!!!)  I've started eating better, especially since I now take my time while shopping at Walmart and have a list of essentials, like V8 V-Fusion® juices and quinoa, that I try not to stray from. I've also started exercising. I used to exercise regularly but then I got lazy and quit. Well, not anymore. I am determined to lose a little weight (not too much, us Latinas love our curves!) and get a little healthier! To me, the most important aspect of my workout is my playlist. I need to have a playlist full of fun, upbeat, Latin songs that get me going. Honestly, my playlist rocks!
Rock Your Workout With a Fun Playlist and a Yummy Drink
This playlist is full of oldies and some new fun songs and lots and lots of Pitbull. Hey, I am from the 305!!!ON THE FLOOR ( Jennifer Lopez and Pitbull)
ECHA PA'LLA (MANOS PA'RRIBA) ( Pitbull Feat. Papayo)
LOVUMBA Daddy Yankee)
FIREBALL (Pitbull Feat. John Ryan)
ADRENALINA ( Wisin Feat. Jennifer Lopez and Ricky Martin)
SUAVEMENTE (Elvis Crespo)
RABIOSA (Shakira Feat. Pitbull)
LARGADINHO (Claudia Leitte)
OJOS ASI (Shakira)FRUTA FRESCA (Carlos Vives)

Are you already dancing in your seat? These songs are muy caliente y divertidas! Perfect to sweat off those pesky pounds!! The rest of the day, I am focused on what I eat. I still have my arroz con frijoles (rice and beans) but I have switched to brown rice or quinoa. I have also cut out soda. I now drink more water and juice. I don't like all juices though so when it came time to choose one, I went for V8. I've always like V8 and the last time I was at Walmart, I realized that there are so many new flavors: Strawberry Banana, Peach  Mango, Acai Mixed Berry and Pomegranate Blueberry.

Rock Your Workout With a Fun Playlist and a Yummy Drink
V8 V-Fusion® juices taste amazing and are chock full of fruits and vegetables. Actually one serving of juice is equal to 1 serving of vegetables and 1 full serving of fruit. I even took a picture of theback so you can see how much amazingness there is in one bottle:
Rock Your Workout With a Fun Playlist and a Yummy Drink
I've also cut down on coffee and for a little extra energy, have started drinking the V8 V-Fusion® Energy in Peach Mango. It's like a tropical paradise in a can!
Rock Your Workout With a Fun Playlist and a Yummy Drink
All V8 V-Fusion products are available at Walmart. I found mine in the juice aisle!
Rock Your Workout With a Fun Playlist and a Yummy Drink
Be sure to check out the full line of V8 V-Fusion® line of products available at Walmart! 
Tell me: What are the must-haves songs on your workout playlist? Are any of my favorites on there?

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