Entertainment Magazine

Rob Peace

Posted on the 02 January 2025 by Sirmac2 @macthemovieguy

Rob Peace- Am Inspirational Story weighed Down By Being An Inspirational Story

Quick Take: Chiwetel Ejiofor tries his hand at directing again, and also acting in this inspirational film that is too busy being inspirational to really ever get off the ground. When we meet our young protagonist, we see that he has this challenged relationship with his father, which is made worse when his father is accused of, and convicted of murder. His son then has to balance seeking a better life for himself, getting an education, moving on with his life, finding love, and all the while burdened with helping try to get his father out of prison. It is a film in constant battle with itself, like it was supposed to be two different films, but someone combined them. It does have audio description. My video was pretty kind, and as I now actually put words on a page, I know I saw this in November, and my brain has already started deleting it. It is one of the more forgettable films I saw, it means nothing, and has something to say, but can’t figure out what. It is a shame, because Ejiofor is one of the best actors working, and I’ve been waiting to see him get that second Oscar nomination. If he keeps doing movies like this, he’ll be starring in Tyler Perry Netflix originals before he ever graces the Dolby stage. For more, check out my video.

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