Culture Magazine

River Trip ~~ Part Three

By Grace Peterson @GracePeterson3
The third leg of our journey took us to Whistlers Bend Park.* The weather was perfect with clear blue skies and 75 degree weather, confirming that our decision to come in early September was the right one. 

River Trip ~~ Part Three

If you enlarge this you can get an idea of the layout
of the campgrounds. Click HERE for more information.

We quickly found our yurt and settled in. 

River Trip ~~ Part Three

Our yurt was just up this short drive.

River Trip ~~ Part Three

This was my first time sleeping in a yurt and I highly recommend it. There is a feeling of security you don't get with a tent. When you leave you can lock the door and know your things are safe from both people and critters. 
River Trip ~~ Part Three

We had electricity, lights, a space heater if we needed it, (we didn't) and furniture. 
River Trip ~~ Part Three

There was a skylight on the top of the roof and later that night the whole room would be illuminated by moonlight. 
River Trip ~~ Part Three

We had to walk to the bathroom but it wasn't that far away and at night, thanks to that full moon, we didn't even need our flashlights. 

River Trip ~~ Part Three

Our view from the yurt

Once we were settle, we were off to hike. 
River Trip ~~ Part Three

River Trip ~~ Part Three

River Trip ~~ Part Three

Because we were there in September when the river is at its lowest, we were able to easily hike the two-mile stretch of river side. We rock hunted, driftwood hunted, saw wildlife and took photos. 
River Trip ~~ Part Three

These photos start on the southern end of the bend and go upstream to the north side. 
River Trip ~~ Part Three

River Trip ~~ Part Three

Tucked behind the trees on the opposite side of the river
is North Bank Road, that leads to Echo Bend and the home we lived
in during the 1960s.

River Trip ~~ Part Three

If you enlarge this photo you might be able to see
North Bank Road.

River Trip ~~ Part Three

And it was cool to see a school bus
shuttling children home just as it did for me so many years ago. 

River Trip ~~ Part Three

Talk about tenacious trees. Impervious to exposed roots,
they grow tall and strong.

I know these photos all look the same but we just couldn't get enough of the beauty.
River Trip ~~ Part Three

River Trip ~~ Part Three

River Trip ~~ Part Three

River Trip ~~ Part Three

Upstream near the north end of the campground

River Trip ~~ Part Three

Downstream at the same spot.

River Trip ~~ Part Three

Although it was starting to get hot, the water was
cool and refreshing.

We saw some interesting critters...

River Trip ~~ Part Three

This guy perched on the tree right outside our yurt, waiting
for a handout.

River Trip ~~ Part Three

If you look closely you'll see one lone Canada goose
on that little island.

River Trip ~~ Part Three

And a barely noticeable blue heron stands
near this grassy spot.

River Trip ~~ Part Three

Spooked by our footsteps, little frogs would jump into
the water to hide. 

River Trip ~~ Part Three

The one thing I don't remember seeing when I was a kid
was this lizard. They were all over the rocks, sunning themselves.

River Trip ~~ Part Three

Below North Bank Road, a hillside of yellow Verbascum
had just finished blooming. Oh what a sight it must
have been.

River Trip ~~ Part Three

This little bunny tail grass grows everywhere.
It brought back a lot of memories.

River Trip ~~ Part Three

Manzanita trees, with their signature
peeling bark were sprinkled in among the
oaks and firs.

River Trip ~~ Part Three

Eventually, we knew it was time to go. Reluctantly, we packed up and headed to Roseburg, a few miles to our west. But that peaceful, healing feeling remains. It was a good trip for both of us.
* I am a bit confused about whether the apostrophe on Whistlers/Whistler's is correct. I've seen it written both ways. 
River Trip ~~ Part Three

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