Image by Pariswestren via Creative Commons
I have been hesitant about posting, because I feel as though all interest is about COVID-19, but I'm not an infectious disease specialist, an epidemiologist, or a community health expert. But I am reading about this every day. When I experience conflict, my usual strategy is to read and write about it. For example, I did this when I got a diagnosis of osteoporosis.Right now, I am interested in risk factors for serious if not fatal cases of COVID-19 aka coronavirus. Travel and contact with an infected people are chief risk factors, but what other risk factors are emerging?
Note: This article does not offer medical advice. It only is an invitation to increase awareness. If you have any questions about your risk for contracting COVID-19 or any other infectious disease, please see a licensed medical professional.
I imagine that people in clinical practice as well as medical researchers will be publishing data about this over the next few weeks if not months. Consequently, I plan on updating this post from time to time.
To start, on March 10, 2020 the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) published a summary of a Lancet article, published that week. The study examined the risk factors for people in Wuhan, China who died from COVID-19.
- advanced age
- blood pressure
- diabetes
- coronary heart disease
- secondary infections
- blood clotting problems
- sepsis
- age, particularly for those 70 and over.
- cardiovascular disease
- diabetes
- chronic respiratory disease (asthma, COPD, sleep apnea)
- hypertension
- cancer
- obesity
- smoking
- being male
- estrogen levels
- exposure to air pollution
- African American / Hispanic heritage (I've read elsewhere about Native Americans being at risk, but they are not mentioned in the NYC data.)
On April 9, 2020, CIDRAP published a summary of another article, this one from the European Respiratory Journal about risk factors. Some of the factors already appear above. However, this information adds risk factors in enzymes that were correlated with more severe COVID-19 cases:
- advanced age
- underlying cardiovascular (heart) issues
- underlying cerebrovascular (strokes, TIAs, clots) issues
- labs that indicate damaged immune response
- labs that indicate heart damage
- increased levels of ACE2 (which weakens the lungs immunity response)
Coronavirus, Ageism and Ableism