Well, here it is.
Our first call for writers brought
us the stellar talents of Swedebeast, who's been regaling us with
imaginative tales from the netherworlds of music writing. Add to this
the recruited talent of MetalRising and the contributions of Soda Bill, The Professor, and the Grime, and the Ripple family has grown nicely.
But, we think we're still a bit short.
Ripple Effect is growing so big, so fast, there simply is no way for us
to keep up with all the quality music that comes in. And now they
could use just a little help.
We've got openings for
one or two more writers. We'd love someone who has a mind for lots and
lots of stoner, doom and sludge. We have just way too much to review. Also, we could always use another metal writer. We mean heavy, dirty, deathy, blacky metal. If it
happens that both those minds are in the same person, then so much the
So, if you'd like to write about music, get lots of free
music to review, and have your column syndicated across everything from
GuitarWorld Magazine's website to USAToday, let us know. We can't pay
ya, other than in good music, lots of love, and a lifetime membership in
the Ripple gang.
All it takes is a desperate passion
for music and the desire to tell people about it. As fun as the gig is,
we'll only take people with a serious commitment to listening and
writing. Nothing half-assed about the Ripple.
Send in
a writing sample about an album you love, 5 or 6 paragraphs. Tell us
why you love it, how it makes you feel and why the rest of the world
should care. Create some ripples.
That's what we do here at the Ripple Effect. Create some ripples.