Hello everyone, I hope all is well with you. This is my first post of the new year and I’m excited about 2022. I’m hoping for some exciting things to happen this year. 2021 was not the best year. One of my most beloved actresses died.
Yes, Betty White passed away on December 31, 2021. I don’t usually get attached to celebrities because I know I will most likely never meet them, but I grew up with Betty White on The Mary Tyler Moore show. That’s when I was first introduced to her. I loved that show, and when I go back, and watch clips it’s still funny. She had her act together and I loved her humor. I continued to admire her as I grew. She always had a snappy comeback and nothing seemed to get her down.

In her later years, she also starred on The Golden Girls. I didn’t watch that show as diligently as the first one, but her humor and comedic timing did not fail her there either. I loved watching her give speeches. Her one liners were hilarious and she had a way of delivering them without losing her composure. She was one of the best.
I admire her for her audacity to be herself especially in an industry that only values youth. She was still a hot commodity at ninety-nine. What other actress can say that about themselves? Very few, that’s for sure. She is one of the greats and many people mourn the loss of her.
She was not only a great comedian/actress. She inspired people. She inspires me. Watching her succeed makes me realize that we all have that potential. We just need to stick to it and get it done. There will always be obstacles. I imagine Betty White ran into obstacles during her life, but they certainly didn’t hold her back.
I saw a meme on Facebook that stated: “In a world of Karens be a Betty.” Doesn’t that just say it all?
So, here’s to Betty White. I raise my glass to you. Thank you for your humor and thank you for inspiring me. You were a class act and you will long be remembered.