Debate Magazine
Right Wing Contorted Thinking and the Right Wing Avalanche of Violence
Posted on the 18 April 2013 by Doggone
I had to laugh at the far right this morning, but it was a somewhat sad, head-shaking kind of laugh.
Our friend Mitch Berg, (who is a friend in spite of strong differences of opinion on politics) ran a post this morning titled 'Lefty heartbreak, part 2' on his blog in which he rejoiced in the fact that the two people arrested for murder in Texas were part of the government, and that it was not after all the white supremacists who had been blamed that did this crime. The contortion was that this somehow gave the right reason to laugh at the liberal main stream media for getting it wrong in reporting what the investigators of the case had claimed prior to making this arrest.
Now apart from the fact that there is no failure on the part of the 'main stream' media, lefty or otherwise, when they accurately report what is a suspicion on the part of investigators (unlike the CNN, AP and other sources that just plain got reports of an arrest in the Boston bombing wrong, failing to verify that as fact before reporting), this development in murders does not remove the possibility of the white supremacist gangs being involved in the Colorado murder of the head of corrections. It does not alter either the fact that it was one of these white supremacists who committed the mass shooting in Wisconsin at the Sikh temple there. In other words, this development in no way whatsoever redeems the reputation of white supremacists or the Aryan brotherhood as far right wing extremist criminals. Further these same criminals are closely associated with the KKK, including as a religious hate movement. So, apart from the aversion to anything resembling facts, there is no cause on the left for heartbreak, or on the right for celebration.
Rather we see a feeble attempt yet again to somehow blame government as the silly boogeyman for a bad event, while failing to acknowledge that this person arrested for the murders no longer worked for the government at the time of the crime, and of course his wife, who was also arrested was not an employee of government either. More than that, he appears to have been a CONSERVATIVE elected to the office of the Justice of the Peace, elected by his fellow CONSERVATIVES in what was an apparent failure in their judgment, and he was convicted of stealing FROM LOCAL GOVERNMENT, his conviction for that offense subsequently being the apparent motive for the murders. That means we have a CONSERVATIVE politician, stealing from a largely CONSERVATIVE ELECTED government, killing fellow CONSERVATIVE members of that government because he got caught and prosecuted, for stealing from his largely CONSERVATIVE community's resources (he stole a computer from his office).
Petty theft or even not-so-petty theft is not a conservative or liberal 'value'; it is a human failing of greed and failure of character in the face of temptation that does not reflect ANY political value. But it should be noted that the right tends to hammer on their supposedly superior values, as if it were not true that they have the same human conduct and the values or lack of values as anyone else, so it is worth underlining here.
The actual conservative "triumph" and the liberal "heartbreak" seem to be conspicuously absent from these events....unless you are part of the fact-averse right. That is true no matter how much right wingers desperately want to believe that anyone conservative is automatically good, and the media is always bad and always 'lefty'. The truth is that the right wing 'media' and the right wing blogosphere that makes up part of that media is very often wrong, and very often completely detached from facts, even averse to them. Claiming a lefty heartbreak was like trying to polish a fresh wet turd; it just spread the poo around, it didn't make it nicer.
Naturally I couldn't resist the temptation to point out the above, in abbreviated form, along with the fact that we were coming up on the anniversary of another right wing nut's violence, the bombing in OK city. We are also coming up on the anniversary of Columbine, timed to coincide with Hitler's birthday by a couple of neo-nazi symbol loving teen murderers.
While we are still waiting for the results of the investigation into the Boston bombing, it is more likely, statistically, given the relative proportion of right wing home-grown domestic terrorists in contrast to Islamo-terrorist crimes in this country, that it could be a crime by the right.
We also now know that the person who sent the ricin letters to the red-state Republican senator from Mississippi and to President Obama appears to have been motivated by anger in this instance over gun control legislation, yet another violent right wing-nut extremist. More correctly reported news from the mainstream media, no matter how much the conservatives dislike or disapprove of the information.
So long as the anti-government right wingers think in this odd, convoluted, fact-averse, logic-averse ideology-driven way, they will continue to fail, they will continue to be significantly disconnected from objective reality.
They clearly need more, not less, of the hated 'lefty' mainstream media to correct their errors and their weird pretzel twisted thinking and belief. It is the only hope for the right to correct and control their violent tendencies instead of inflaming them to murderous acts.
Our friend Mitch Berg, (who is a friend in spite of strong differences of opinion on politics) ran a post this morning titled 'Lefty heartbreak, part 2' on his blog in which he rejoiced in the fact that the two people arrested for murder in Texas were part of the government, and that it was not after all the white supremacists who had been blamed that did this crime. The contortion was that this somehow gave the right reason to laugh at the liberal main stream media for getting it wrong in reporting what the investigators of the case had claimed prior to making this arrest.
Now apart from the fact that there is no failure on the part of the 'main stream' media, lefty or otherwise, when they accurately report what is a suspicion on the part of investigators (unlike the CNN, AP and other sources that just plain got reports of an arrest in the Boston bombing wrong, failing to verify that as fact before reporting), this development in murders does not remove the possibility of the white supremacist gangs being involved in the Colorado murder of the head of corrections. It does not alter either the fact that it was one of these white supremacists who committed the mass shooting in Wisconsin at the Sikh temple there. In other words, this development in no way whatsoever redeems the reputation of white supremacists or the Aryan brotherhood as far right wing extremist criminals. Further these same criminals are closely associated with the KKK, including as a religious hate movement. So, apart from the aversion to anything resembling facts, there is no cause on the left for heartbreak, or on the right for celebration.
Rather we see a feeble attempt yet again to somehow blame government as the silly boogeyman for a bad event, while failing to acknowledge that this person arrested for the murders no longer worked for the government at the time of the crime, and of course his wife, who was also arrested was not an employee of government either. More than that, he appears to have been a CONSERVATIVE elected to the office of the Justice of the Peace, elected by his fellow CONSERVATIVES in what was an apparent failure in their judgment, and he was convicted of stealing FROM LOCAL GOVERNMENT, his conviction for that offense subsequently being the apparent motive for the murders. That means we have a CONSERVATIVE politician, stealing from a largely CONSERVATIVE ELECTED government, killing fellow CONSERVATIVE members of that government because he got caught and prosecuted, for stealing from his largely CONSERVATIVE community's resources (he stole a computer from his office).
Petty theft or even not-so-petty theft is not a conservative or liberal 'value'; it is a human failing of greed and failure of character in the face of temptation that does not reflect ANY political value. But it should be noted that the right tends to hammer on their supposedly superior values, as if it were not true that they have the same human conduct and the values or lack of values as anyone else, so it is worth underlining here.
The actual conservative "triumph" and the liberal "heartbreak" seem to be conspicuously absent from these events....unless you are part of the fact-averse right. That is true no matter how much right wingers desperately want to believe that anyone conservative is automatically good, and the media is always bad and always 'lefty'. The truth is that the right wing 'media' and the right wing blogosphere that makes up part of that media is very often wrong, and very often completely detached from facts, even averse to them. Claiming a lefty heartbreak was like trying to polish a fresh wet turd; it just spread the poo around, it didn't make it nicer.
Naturally I couldn't resist the temptation to point out the above, in abbreviated form, along with the fact that we were coming up on the anniversary of another right wing nut's violence, the bombing in OK city. We are also coming up on the anniversary of Columbine, timed to coincide with Hitler's birthday by a couple of neo-nazi symbol loving teen murderers.
While we are still waiting for the results of the investigation into the Boston bombing, it is more likely, statistically, given the relative proportion of right wing home-grown domestic terrorists in contrast to Islamo-terrorist crimes in this country, that it could be a crime by the right.
We also now know that the person who sent the ricin letters to the red-state Republican senator from Mississippi and to President Obama appears to have been motivated by anger in this instance over gun control legislation, yet another violent right wing-nut extremist. More correctly reported news from the mainstream media, no matter how much the conservatives dislike or disapprove of the information.
So long as the anti-government right wingers think in this odd, convoluted, fact-averse, logic-averse ideology-driven way, they will continue to fail, they will continue to be significantly disconnected from objective reality.
They clearly need more, not less, of the hated 'lefty' mainstream media to correct their errors and their weird pretzel twisted thinking and belief. It is the only hope for the right to correct and control their violent tendencies instead of inflaming them to murderous acts.