Current Magazine

Right-To-Work Should Give Up Union Gains

Posted on the 11 March 2015 by Paul Phillips @sparkingtheleft

110308_labor_unions_ap_328According to an article by the AP, the Right-To-Work movement across the U.S. is gaining more and more momentum as GOP governors and statehouses move to disable union rights by making it illegal to require workers to pay union dues .

The highest profile battle over a Right-To-Work bill over the last few years has been in Wisconsin. When a failed attempt to recall Governor Scott Walker occurred (he is also a leading GOP presidential candidate) for attacking unions beginning back in 2011, he signed one of these new anti-union bill earlier this week making Wisconsin the 25th state to do so.

Nearly 800 union-related bills have been proposed in statehouses this year, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. Reports also show that union membership has been steadily declining since the 1980s, when it measured at 20 percent of all workers. In 2014, only 11.1 percent nationally belonged to a union.

Now let us be honest in this assumption, if that makes sense: These workers do not want to pay union dues while receiving all the monumental advances won through blood and hardship by organized labor. The labor/owner struggle over the past centuries should not be afforded to ungrateful employees who want to take advantage of modern salary contract negotiations. So here is a list that should apply to workers who do not want to pay union dues according to the Right-To-Work laws:

1) 16 hour work days are mandatory

2) 6-day work weeks are mandatory

3) No breaks are afforded

4) No workers’ compensation for those injured on the job

5) Pennies on the current dollar should be afforded for work-wages for they will not be negotiated by a union

6) No OSHA laws should be observed which protect workers from dangerous working conditions

7) Employees can be fired off-hand without any given reason with no recourse to union appeals processes

8) You have to bring your children to work everyday so their little hands and fingers can work small pieces machines that may indeed allow them to lose those little hands and fingers

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