He really said it. Rick Santorum stated, ”I don’t want to make Black people’s lives better by giving them somebody else’s money. I want to give them the opportunity to go out and earn the money and provide for themselves and their families.” This Iowa caucus crowd responds with nods and spontaneous applause. Santorum is trying to make a point, about 2:11 into this video that Democrats are forcing states to add people to the Medicaid roll and other entitlement programs so that you “have to vote for them.” Then he singles out Black people as the needy recipients.
Iowa’s total population is 91.3% white and 2.9% Black and according to statistics from Kaiser Family Foundation, 74% of the people receiving Medicaid in Iowa are white so why did Rick Santorum single out Black people as the ones who are beneficiaries and more tellingly, why was this crowd so responsive to his portrayal of Blacks? Because Iowa is reflective of this country when it is not prospering and the Republicans prey on this wilful, American grown ignorance every time. Nationally, whites below the age of 65 make up 43% of Medicaid recipients, Blacks make up 22%. Are you seeing a pattern here?
He denies he’s racist or ever singles people out based on race, blah, blah, blah. Santorum plays his music to the perked ears of today’s Republican crowd and they lulled by his “Birth of a Nation” song. They haven’t changed a bit and that’s why I haven’t ever voted for one.
I’m glad to see that ABC, CBS, NPR, Huffingtonpost, Washington Post, and a host of others covered this story but it still hasn’t received the kind of press it needs for the word to really get out.