- Academia.edu: https://www.academia.edu/37668786/RHYTHM_NOTES_Polyrhythms_Construction_Practice_Performance
- Scribd: https://www.scribd.com/document/391883858/RHYTHM-NOTES-Polyrhythms-Construction-Practice-Performance

WHAT’S UP? I’VE ALWAYS BEEN A TAPPER I’ve always been a tapper, my toes, my fingers on the table, whatever. We are, after all, rhythm machines. But when it came time to learn a musical instrument I choose trumpet and then, a few years later, piano. When I was living in Baltimore and going to Johns Hopkins I bought some used conga drums at Ted’s Music in Baltimore, a wonderful place, by the way, and still in business and taught myself how to get some decent sounds out of them. I even performed on them in public, on a few occasions. When I moved to Troy, NY, I’d go to the Newport Festival, I believe it was, in Saratoga Springs. And one summer, most likely in the early 1980s, I bought this tongue drum: