Fashion Magazine

RHS Wisley

By Blueoctober @blueoctober__
RHS Wisley
After a pretty crappy week of hospital visits, worries and time off work (which is more stressful than it sounds!) this weekend was spent relaxing with family and getting back to normality. On Saturday I had my family round for afternoon tea - I baked a pretty tasty lemon and blueberry cake (recipe to come this week) and read dinosaur books with my gorgeous nephew, a perfect Saturday. Today, we saw Rich's family at RHS Wisley just off the A3 near Guildford. The sun came out, we had a yummy lunch and ate a pretty delicious cake (if I do say so myself - my second bake of the weekend!), as well as walking round the beautiful gardens. A really lovely day out, especially seeing our lovely niece who is just so adorable! We've been asked to be her Godparents at her Christening this summer and couldn't be more proud.

Until next time...

RHS WisleyRHS WisleyRHS WisleyRHS WisleyRHS WisleyRHS WisleyRHS WisleyRHS WisleyRHS Wisley

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