Books Magazine

Review: Wings of the Wicked by Courtney Allison Moulton

Posted on the 23 January 2012 by Roshini
Title: Wings of the WickedAuthor: Courtney Allison MoultonRelease Date: January 312o12Publisher: Katherine Tegen BooksSource: ARC Tour hosted by Momo (thank you!)Review: Wings of the Wicked by Courtney Allison MoultonSynopsis (via Goodreads): Life as the Preliator is harder than Ellie ever imagined.Balancing real life with the responsibility of being Heaven’s warrior is a challenge for Ellie. Her relationship with Will has become all business, though they both long for each other. And now that the secret of who she really is has come out, so have Hell’s strongest reapers. Grown bold and more vicious, the demonic threaten her in the light of day and stalk her in the night. 
She’s been warned.
Cadan, a demonic reaper, comes to her with information about Bastian’s new plan to destroy Ellie’s soul and use an ancient relic to wake all the souls of the damned and unleash them upon humanity. As she fights to stay ahead of Bastian’s schemes , the revelations about those closest to her awaken a dark power within Ellie that threatens to destroy everything—including herself. 
She’ll be betrayed.
Treachery comes even from those whom she loves, and Ellie is broken by the deaths of those who stood beside her in this Heavenly war. Still, she must find a way to save the world, herself, and her love for Will. If she fails, there will be hell to pay. 

Review:Woah. I'm at loss for words to describe this book. It was absolutely amazing, and I loved it more than Angelfire. 

Wings of the Wicked is over 500 pages but it flies by so quickly. I'd sit down to read some of it, and in no time 150 pages had flown by. As soon as I started Wings I realized how much I missed Ellie's narrating (and Will). I loved being back in her world and the whole time I was reading I was fully invested in the story. 
There's much more character and plot development in Wings. Ellie is remembering more of her past lives and learns more about her archangel self. Ellie is still as badass (if not more) as she was in Angelfire. She goes through so many more life changing events in Wings and struggles with a lot. And Will... throughout the novel I desperately wanted Will and Ellie to be together. It was heartbreaking that it was forbidden for Will to love Ellie. All of the side characters each had unique and memorable qualities, and were just as complex and the main characters. 
Wings was unpredictable. There was so much that I did not see coming. There were many plot twists and shocking events, and let's not forget the action scenes. They were written so vividly and clearly; I felt like I was fighting with Ellie. The writing was fantastic throughout the whole novel and I wanted to savor each word. 
My heart broke for Ellie so many times throughout this book. She goes through so many horrible things and I felt so bad for her. She was so strong about everything, and I admired her ability to keep up with a complicated (to say the least) double life. 
The ending.... WOW. I need to know what happens next. I couldn't believe that I was left with such a cliffhanger. I need the third book now! I'm not exactly sure how I'm going to make it to 2013 without finding out what happens next. ✰✰✰✰✰➎ STARSCover Thoughts: 5/5 I really like the Khopesh swords and the background.-Brynne

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