I am pleased to get this excellent review of PLANTING A GARDEN IN ROOM 6: From Seeds to Salad from Children's Literature, a CLCD company. CLCD (Children's Literature Comprehensive Database) is a database of full-text reviews, national and international awards, curriculum tools and related materials to assist with Reader's Advisory.
Review: Prolific author Arnold has crafted another winning book that explores how real-life teacher Mrs. Best and her students explore hands-on science. The book opens with the children in her class curiously observing the seeds and young plants their teacher has brought to school, choosing ones to grow and harvest before the end of the school year. Photo illustrations throughout the book depict a diverse class of students participating in every phase of this project. They prepare the soil, plant and transplant seedlings, tend the garden, harvest the vegetables, and prepare the vegetables that will be used in the final product—a salad. Along the way, they also learn about composting and find out which insects are helpful to have in your garden. Factoids denoted with a watering can icon are sprinkled throughout the book to highlight additional gardening facts. A multitude of supplemental features are included for further reference, including a glossary, a bibliography of print and online resources for further investigation, and frequently asked questions about gardening and plants. This text and these supplementary resources make this book an excellent library addition to support a school curriculum, as well as providing more information and inspiration to young aspiring gardeners. Hopefully, after being introduced to this title, young readers will be encouraged to eat more vegetables and grow their own garden, with adult supervision.
Ages: 3 - 7
Reviewer Rating: 5