I really am focusing on my eye makeup, and in order to achieve the goodness of the color of each of my eyeshadows, base is really needed. Base or primers, I don't really have any idea what they contribute, that's my first thought. Not until I realized that.. well I noticed that the colors I put on my eyes are not exactly the color I expected it to be. Ever since then, I am hunting for a good eyeshadow base/primers which is at the same time, very affordable. Luckily I found this Essence I Love Stage Eyeshadow Base. I am having second thoughts about this product and it's all thanks to Kim and her review that really convince me to try it.
BRAND: Essence
NAME: I ♥ Stage Eyeshadow Base
NET Wt: 4ml
WHERE to BUY: Watson's Philippines

ღ PACKAGING: It's pretty neat and decent that comes in a plastic tube with black text which makes it kinda cool. The wand is also not that long but just enough not to overly-applied the cream. The applicator, on the other hand is shaped slanted, it's an advantage, actually. :)
ღ SWATCH: Since it is my first time using an eyshadow base, I can't tell you exactly if the consistency of this cream is thick or thin for a eyeshadow base. But if I will compare it to the other liquid types of make-ups, I'd say that its pretty thick. As you can see on the swatch above, it can barely cover the mole on my arms. It also has a scent but not that noticeable.
ღ VERDICT: Essence I Love Stage Eyeshadow Base releases the natural vibrant color of my eyeshadows. After using it, now I know that eye base/primers really did an important role for your eye make-up. The cream also makes your eye make-up last longer, not just the shadows but your liners too prolly 5 hours -6 hours maximum! I'm using it everyday so that I won't be retouching my eyeliner from time to time at school. It does a decent job for a very cheap product. Does it creases? well, for me it does sometimes, you know, when it's super hot and I sweat a lot and am only wearing eye liners. But believe me, put on a little eyeshadow then eyeliner and *boom! No creasing for you!
I really recommend this Essence I Love Stage Eyeshadow Base for starters like me! :) It's worth the try.
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