The second season finale for “Haven” brings a number of plot elements into clearer focus, while also reinforcing the nature of the conflict that has erupted in the community. This is not a situation that is likely to defuse any time soon, or without bloodshed, and the finale points to a third season where matters will only get worse (and more personal).

First things first: the writers use the beginning of the story to confirm what was already suggested several times over the course of the season. Audrey has been around for a very long time, coming and going with each new cycle of the Troubles, and each time she appears with a new name and a new personality, derived from someone apparently otherwise unrelated to Haven. This time, she’s Audrey Parker, and there’s a feeling among the Troubled that this time, she is meant to do something more than just help the Troubled.
On the one hand, this ties in very well with what we’ve known about the Troubled, and more specifically, Nathan and his father. The Chief clearly knew a lot more about Audrey than he was willing to admit, and he was working with “Agent Howard” to ensure that Audrey made it to Haven under the right circumstances. This season made it very clear that the Troubled, and their tattooed protection squad, understands that “Audrey” exists to help them through the Troubles, both in terms of mitigating the damage they inflict and protecting them from outside assault.
But the “raising of the ghosts” in this episode took the somewhat uneven revelations about Duke’s father and finally brought them into perfect focus. It’s not just that Reverend Driscoll is walking in the footsteps of previous religious leaders in doing his best to wipe out the Troubles once and for all. It’s that the Crockers represent the opposite generational force from the Wournos clan. One family stands as protectors and warriors for the Troubled, while the other family stands as leadership against them. And every time, it seems “Audrey” is in the middle.
It certainly adds a new layer to the character dynamic that has been built up over the course of the series. Consider that Audrey, Nathan, and Duke have been in a sort of love triangle since early in the first season, and that Nathan and Duke have been at odds just as long. Both of those important points are now given another layer, with Nathan and Duke both having reasons to be close to Audrey, but family “obligations” to push her away. And at the same time, those obligations of distance are meant to facilitate her protection (Nathan) or destruction (Duke). It’s a deft bit of story construction.
As it currently stands, “Haven” has not been renewed for a third season. I have some degree of confidence that it will be, considering that it gets roughly the same ratings as “Alphas”, which has already been renewed, and actually managed to average a better number of viewers than the majority of the first season (in a terrible time slot, no less). But nothing is assured, so I will continue to be hopeful until a final decision is made.
Writing: 2/2
Acting: 2/2
Direction: 2/2
Style: 2/4
Final Rating: 8/10
(Season 2 Final Average: 7.9)