You don’t need to be Fox Mulder to see this guy is just a jerk with a grudge who is full of himself.
At this point, despite looking like the nicest guy in the world in every single picture, Christopher Dorner has killed 3 people. One attack was a pre planned hit on the daughter of a former colleague who had served as his advocate when he was fired of the LAPD and her fiancé. Then he ambushed 2 cops, killing one. This also seems
DJANGO UNBADGED! Revenge Killer Christopher Jordan Dorner
deliberate as it apparently happened pretty far away, like 100 miles.
Dorner is a Domestic Terrorist.
Now, in the depths of a blizzard, SWAT teams and FBI Agents are closing in around an 8 square mile are where Dorner MUST be if he didn’t have a vehicle stashed to leave the park. People are spotting him everywhere and threes a lot of misinformation. He may have tried some kind of nautical carjacking or Yacht Jacking or something, so I suppose he’s a pirate now too.
Unbelievable. We now have a serial Killer who preys on Cops and is armed, motivated and operational. Its exhibits what history will call a sad state of affairs for early 21st century America. In some ways he is like the Unabomber Ted Kaczynski in his rantings and self importance. They also share the experience of having achieved respectable positions in society and shown an inability to handle them. They both then funneled this into a thoughtful, purposeful rage which he somehow maintained for an extended period of time. At this point “Hyper-enraged” may be the only way to describe this guy ither then Domestic Terrorist.
It’s a bit unnerving how amiable and nice he looks here. What happened to this guy?
This guy is a Timothy McVey type. He is cagey. He may have a survival hutch OR if he is as smart as he has shown to be so far he is smoking a joint in Tijuana looking for a way to Cuba. Like I said, there’s still no knowing if he is in that area.
What concerns me is that because he was long time military and also a cop he will perpetuate negative stereotypes about cops, African Americans, Veterans and other noble people who this guy is only really one rogue example. He is definitely quite taken with himself and if he doesn’t skip to Cuba or go freeze to death in the woods he will most definitely NOT cap himself until his last round. He will go down shooting. CNN said its possible he is very heavily armed with military or near military grade weaponry. I salute the brave Peace Officer who pursue this horrible menace and cancer upon our society. I can only hope he will be captured alive so
Seems so trustworthy. “Sure I’ll help you move! Don’t worry about it!”
that he can be slipped the Needle Of Justice after a fair (and hopefully fiasco free) trial.
Christopher Dorner’s manifesto, truly the diary of a madman, leaves us no doubt he’s a twisted husk of a human being. Broken, evil and willingly harming people. Whatever good man he ever may have been dissolved into a sea of hate. He is not unlike Colin Ferguson, a spree killer I actually met several times, in his self entitled and grandiose view of the world.
It also concerns me that because he distinguished himself at some points in his life, people may try to make him into a robin hood, which he is most definitely not. He is a reprehensible man. I have been through as bad and hurt no one. He is in no way justified and the LAPD may have made a rare good call in dismissing him.
Sadly elsewhere in the blogosphere there has been some sympathy and a romanticizing of this guy as some sort of folk hero. Lets hope it doesn’t perpetuate.
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