Entertainment Magazine

Revels Announces 11th Annual RiverSing

Posted on the 23 July 2014 by Notlobmusic @notlobmusic
11th Annual Revels RiverSing
A Family Celebration of the Autumnal EquinoxRevels Announces 11th Annual  RiverSingSunday, September 21, 2014
Harvard Square and along the banks of the Charles River in Cambridge
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One magical night each year, Revels waves goodbye to summer and welcomes in the fall with music, poetry and song.  This year's celebration includes family festivities in Harvard Square, a puppet-filled parade, and a glorious night of singing together as we revel in the change of season amidst the beauty of the Charles River and its parklands. 
Revels music director George Emlen hosts the night, sharing the stage with guest soloists, song leaders David Coffin and Stan Strickland, folksingers Chris and Meredith Thompson, and the 80-member RiverSing Chorus of adults and children.  Gabriel Q's giant illuminated butterflies and the Puppeteer's Cooperative's whimsical puppets will provide appropriate atmosphere.  There will be other surprises as well (this is Revels, after all) so "Save the Date,"  tell your friends, and come be a part of this growing  family tradition! 
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