Jusr in time for Autumn, Revell have launched a new concept in model building aimed at younger children called "Build and Play"
Build & Play kits are classed as skill level one and are designed to be an easy introduction for youngsters into the world of modelling. The next level up being aimed at 8 year olds (Easy kits) and then 10 year olds (model kits)wig each level increasing in difficulty and number of parts. There are 5 levels of model kits in total.
Ryan's build & play Mustang kit contained just 12 pieces.
The box suggests it should take between 15-30 minutes to complete. Ryan is 11 now so he was able to complete it in much less time (approx 7 minutes). The instructions are easy to follow images with just 7 steps.And the end result looks like this: The finished car can then be played with to help with imaginative play or can just be proudly displayed on a bedroom unit. I think Ryan is more than ready for the next level up. I did ask Jordanna if she wanted to have a go at building the model too but cars just aren't her thing.
Revell Build & Play is available from all good toy and model retailers. For details visit http://www.revell.de/en