Self Expression Magazine

Revealing Your Happy Birthday Year on Twitter Now

By Lisa @Lisapatb

Will You Be Revealing Your Birthday Year on Twitter?

Did you know you birthday year on Twittercan now show your birthday on your Twitter profile? You don’t have to include the birthday year on Twitter to all but you can add just the month and day to be shown. Why are some making a big deal over this while Facebook has been doing this for years with our profiles?

How to Add Your Birthday Year on Twitter

All you have to do is go to your Twitter profile and hit the edit profile button right under your large Twitter image. You do have to complete the year in the Birthday field but then you get to select share with only you. As for the birthday month and date you can choose to share with people you follow and who follow you back. You can choose just yourself or with everyone. (I choose my followers and those I follow back.)

Happy Birthday and Identity Thief

Facebook has been doing this for years and many people love getting those happy birthday messages each year from their family and friends on their special day.

But some people are complaining that Twitter is jeapardizing our privacy. It’s true having too much information online can cause identity thieves to hack into your bank accounts and steal your identity.  How much personal information is too much today? That’s a tough question that many will answer differently. Can just your birthday and birthday year on Twitter be too much? Just remember you can set your privacy settings on Twitter so it doesn’t show to anyone but you. 

Why is Twitter Showing Birthdays?

Twitter is sharing our birthday year on Twitter so they can better target us with more relevant content including ads. Doesn’t Facebook do the same thing with our profiles? And even Google does ask for your birthdate when you sign up for an account as well. Many retailers do the same thing with birthdays. They tempt us with special offers and coupons to get our birthdays on file. They can better target us with more ads and specials if they know our birthdays. It can be clever marketing! Who can’t resist a $10 or $20 off coupon on their birthday at their favorite store or restaurant?

I’d love to know in the comments if you’ll be sharing your birthday or birthday year on Twitter or not. 

Twitter guitar art via

Revealing Your Happy Birthday Year on Twitter Now
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Lisa loves helping others to thrive online through Social Media, Blogging and SEO. What good is knowledge if you cannot share it with others?
She has 20+ years experience in marketing/advertising with 5 years experience blogging, social media and SEO. Get her new eBook Tweeting Like It's 2nd Nature Today!
Revealing Your Happy Birthday Year on Twitter Now
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