Fashion Magazine

Rev Up Your Summer Look with These Bright Make-up Shades

By Montec @fashionstar

A pop of color can give you a quick boost and this season's sheer formula are beyond easy to pull off. Just a pick a single features to focus on Think of color as the punctuation to an otherwise minimal look says lo real Paris Jewel tone shadows light up eyes and berry tints Lancome and Cover-Girl leave lips flushed. on nails Yves Saint Laurent's watercolor rose is subtle, ehile Essied cerulean blue stands out on the sand. At night perks up cheeks with Urban Decay's candy color blushes Or get your fix with Gurlains's sun-kissed Bronzer: it's sporty reusable aqua case is fun all on its own

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Rev  Up  your summer look with these Bright Make-up Shades

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