Business Magazine Is Over $11K On Godaddy With 2+ Hours to Go

Posted on the 18 June 2014 by Worldwide @thedomains

I just noticed a pretty interesting auction going on right now

The domain is

The high bid as of publication is $11,250

There are 127 bids as of the moment and 19 bidders

The auction closes at 01:09 PM (PDT) subject to Godaddy’s auction closing rules.

I’m not going to get into the possible TM issues, or lack thereof,  but its a very interesting domain that appears will sell for some decent to big money.

Its not my domain, I’m not bidding in the auction, nor do I own Godaddy or Twitter, so that should cover the disclaimers on this one.

If your interested in bidding or watching the auction  here is the link

According to our friends at the domain name was sold by the .Me registry in 2009 for $11,505. is going to a placeholder at Godaddy.


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