Economics Magazine

Retired Marine Told To Get Rid Of Guns Or Become Homeless (Video)

Posted on the 07 August 2013 by Susanduclos @SusanDuclos
By Susan Duclos
The Second Amendment be damned at the the Oakwood Apartments in Castle Rock, Colorado that sent out a notice to residents, get rid of their guns, or move.
77-year-old retired US Marine Corps veteran, Art Dorsch, says his Second Amendments rights are being violated but fear of being made homeless has him considering complying with the unconstitutional demands.
The notice was sent out on August 1 and says they have until October 1 to comply with updated "community policies." Those police state that of October 1, residents cannot display, use, or possess any firearms or weapons of any kind, anywhere on the property.
Dorsch  says "I'm a hunter. I'm a licensed conceal and carry person," then continues on to state "They want to take them all away from me. They say I can't live here."
Dorsh doesn't have the money to afford an attorney to fight the Oakwood Apartments in Castle Rock, meaning he complies or they can force him out where he would be without a place to live.
What has this country come to where a veteran, a man who fought for our country, swore to protect and defend the Constitution, can have his constitutional right to bear arms violated and stripped from him?
Contact Information:
Oakwood Apartments
Address: 559 Oakwood Dr
Castle Rock, CO 80104
Phone:(303) 688-5080

Retired Marine Told To Get Rid Of Guns Or Become Homeless (Video)

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