Religion Magazine

Resurrection Hope

By Caryschmidt

Resurrection Hope

Before the resurrection, there is a cross. Dark. Death. Hopeless.

Before the rainbow, there is a storm. Howling. Desolate. Destructive.

Before the sunrise, there is night. Lonely. Black. Cold.

Before Spring, there is Winter. Frigid. Barren. Bitter.

Before healing, there is sickness. Painful. Weak. Groaning.

Before the triumph, there is testing. Wrenching. Desperate. Difficult.

Before the blessing, there is a burden. Heavy. Weary. Exhausting.

Before hope, there is hurt. Loss. Despair. Anguish.

I don’t like the cross, the storm, the night, the winter, the sickness, the testing, the burden, or the hurt.

But Jesus resurrection makes hope possible from that which is utterly and completely hopeless.

His empty tomb thunders a miracle in the face of the impossible.

His triumph declares the death sentence of death itself.

Because of Jesus, we are never hopeless.

Because He lives, we are never alone.

Because He died, He knows the feelings of our infirmities.

Because He rose again, we know our darkest night will climax with a spectacular sunrise.

Because He walks beside me, I can rest in Him until I see Him face to face.

If you know Him… then you know…

Truly—He lives!

“He is not here: for he is risen, as he said…” (Matthew 28:6)

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