Business Magazine

Resuming Dollar Weakness Plays

Posted on the 19 November 2014 by Souljester @souljester618
I am long AUDUSD and EURUSD again with tightish stops, after taking a break yesterday. Charts: Resuming Dollar Weakness Plays Resuming Dollar Weakness Plays When I started this Dollar Weakness play a couple weeks ago I was not sure if we would get another lower or low or not. I am still not sure about that, but am playing back into the weak dollar thesis here. I am still looking for signs of the long term top after the tight stop on GBP/JPY was hit last night. There is always a bull path and a bear path. We cannot know which path our future will choose. As always, do your own due diligence, read the Disclaimer, and make your own investment decisions. Peace, Om, SoulJester

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