Books Magazine

Restaurant Review: Mamma Mia Experienced Via @Zomato and @TinyOwl_App

By Jaideep Khanduja @PebbleInWaters
First of all the restaurant is not closed for online ordering as it shows on Zomato (but next time it showed I can order). Look at the two screenshots of Zomato taken at the same time on two different tabs for the same restaurant that shows - open for online order in one tab and closed for online order on the other tab.Zomato's credibility is in question...

Restaurant Review: Mamma Mia Experienced Via @Zomato and @TinyOwl_App

Showing open for online order

Restaurant Review: Mamma Mia Experienced Via @Zomato and @TinyOwl_App

showing closed for online order

Recently I ordered online on a new food portal for the same restaurant Mamma Mia. Noticeable point is that the minimum order value on Zomato is exorbitant (Rs. 350) whereas it is just Rs. 150 on the other portal I am talking about. If Zomato is not updated regularly in this regard, soon someone else is going to take the lead...

Restaurant Review: Mamma Mia Experienced Via @Zomato and @TinyOwl_App

Chicken Burger 

Restaurant Review: Mamma Mia Experienced Via @Zomato and @TinyOwl_App

Chichen Dim Sum

As far as food stuff from Mamma Mia is concerned, the recipes are good and so is the taste but not the packaging and finishing. That is the area where they need to improve upon. I ordered a Chicken Burger and Chichen Dim Sum. The 8 pieces of Dim Sum were delicious, substantially stuffed and well cooked. The burger, on the other hand, was an overstuffed mini burger that was difficult to hold and the chicken patty was rolling out of it while eating. Overall tasty but require a number of improvements.
Restaurant Review: Mamma Mia Experienced Via @Zomato and @TinyOwl_App
The tiny owl app is available on android and iOS.

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