Spirituality Magazine

Responding To Your Message: Fellow Caulbearer

By Latoya @latoyallawrence

I Didn’t Want To Post This Publicly. Your Email Didn’t Appear Accurate So I Did A Email Verification Check And It Wasn’t. So There Was No Other Way For Me To Contact You. To Be Discreet  I’m Not Mentioning The Name You Gave Me.

To Answer Your Question. A Yoruba Priestess That I’ve Known For Thirteen Years Told Me A Long Time Ago That Her First Husband Who Passed Away Was Born With A Caul/Veil And That He Had Two Holes On Each Side Of His Head By His Ears. And Another Person Born With A Caul  Told Me  They Had The Same Exact Marking.

Now, I’ve Also Heard Someone Before Mention That The Holes By The Ears Have Nothing To Do With Being Born With A Caul/Veil But You Can’t Believe Everything That You Hear. It Has To Mean Something, Especially If Other Caulbearers Experienced It.

When I Was A Young Teenager I First Noticed A Pinkish-Red Diamond-Shape Red Mark On My Left Wrist. It Appears Very Clearly When My Wrist Is Wet From Hot Water. It Is Still There Til This Day And I Had Always Wondered What It Meant. It Is So Perfect In It’s Diamond Shape.

Then I Just So Happened To Come Across A Person Who Wrote About Having Two Pink Or Red Heart-Shaped Markings On Their Right Wrist. And The Markings Indeed Do Have To Do With A Caul/Veil Birth. So See, In Your Search For Truth And Answers Things Will Eventually Come To The Light. “In The Middle Of This Post I Just Went And Found What I Was Talking About On Yahoo Answers And Copied It For Your Convenience” You May Have Come Across It Already:

What does it mean to be born with a white Caul on my head?

When I was born, (this is based on what my mother and grandmother told me,) I had a white caul, (a thin membrane) on the front part of my head and down to my nose. The caul as i was told, also had some pinkish red to it. I was also born…dead. I was practically blue and wasn’t breathing with no heartbeat. I was very nearly called a stillborn, when my doctor gave me CPR and brought me to life. I have heard this is also called a veil. But i also have a sort of psychic sense about me and always have. If someone could give me a little history on this, perhaps others who had them, and what was done to them, or happened to them. And what the Caul means, I would greatly appreciate it. For addtional detail, I also have two red birthmarks on my right wrist in the shape of two hearts. and I am 16yrs old. Don’t know if this helps….
  • 2 years ago
Veneficus M. by Veneficus M.
Member since:
June 10, 2010
Total points:
668 (Level 2)

Best Answer – Chosen by Asker

It means you have the gift of second sight ! The Caul was once considered to have magical powers and was venerated as being being a magical talisman against sorcery and witchcraft, the veil or “Caul of an Innocent” was also said to protect sailors at sea from being drowned and at one time such cauls fetched large amounts of money.Many famous people are said to have been born with a caul, Alexander the Great, Jesus Christ and Lord Byron are but to name a few. In times past children born with a caul were known as Caulbearers, a Caulbearer was said to be able to locate water, lost treasures and communicate with animals.As to your birthmark of two hearts on your right wrist this was once believed that you were touched by a higher force which has marked you out for a specific reason, children with birthmarks on the right side of the body were said to be old souls who had been “touched by God”, for a greater reason.


The Book of Veneficus.
  • 2 years ago
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Asker’s Comment:
Thank you very much. I appreciate you also including my birthmark rather than just the caul. Thanks again for your informative answer.
touch touch Hello, April
Welcome to our World…the following is a new website which is focused on uniting Caulbearers and family members of Caulbearers from all over the World. As a Caulbearer myself…I welcome and invite you!Caulbearers United – Lifting the Veil
http://www.caulbearersunited.webs.com/    Now What Other Information That I Gathered From What I Came Across Was That This Claim Can Be Verified From A Book Titled “The Book Of Veneficus”. I Never Heard Of It And Haven’t Had A Chance To Read It Yet.   Now As For Shannon Lee Wolf. Yes I Am Well Aware That She Wrote A Book Titled Dover Graye And I Think She Wrote Another Book. And As You Can See From Above She And Jade Were Hunting Down Everyone!   They Ask For Pictures Because Shannon Uses Them For Witchcraft Purposes, Whether To Send Negativity Or To Try To Control People. She Is A Liar, A Manipulator-Just A Very Negative Person. I Know Because I Can Read The Bitch! She Had The Nerve To Come After Me! And You Say That She Wasn’t Even Really Born With A Caul! Thank You So Much For That Information.   I Never Believed In Her. I Never Believed She Meant Any Good. She Has Selfish Ulterior Motives. NoBody With True Intentions Goes Around Trying To Intensely ”Recruit” Others. You Are Suppose To Let Those In Particular Observe For Themselves Then If They Choose To “Seek You Out”.   And Shannon Is Very Sick The Way She Claims To Be The Only One To Have Accurate Information Regarding The Caul. Only True People Born With A Caul/Veil Know What Is Possible From Their Own Unique Personal Experiences. And No Individual’s Life And Experience Will Be The Same.   Email
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Hi Miss Toya I ran into your blogs long time ago in serch of any info on being born with a caul or veiL.I myself was born with a veil in 1980 april 29, I was wondering Well had a question about the two holes on each side of my head right by the ears above the ear pin size holes. An I also wanted to comment on your post about Shannon Lee Wolf an Her Boyfriend soko They also saw a post I made an they emailed me about there caul bearers site I signed up for it an they kept sending me emails like u have too add a pic its all in the eyes she was like this controlin type.An it did not feel right I deleted myself from the site an I still got crazy emails from them her him whatever. He was born with one she wasint she is a author of a caul bearer book . But thats what I wanted to tell u Plese get back when u can sis.

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