Philosophy Magazine

RESPONDblog: The Persecution in Iraq is NOT About Endings – but Resurrection

By Stuart_gray @stuartg__uk

RESPONDblog: The Persecution in Iraq is NOT about endings – but ResurrectionOriginally posted on RESPOND:

There’s a staggering human rights crisis erupting in Iraq, right now. The Islamic terror group ISIS announced thru their Mosques last Friday that all Iraqi Christians are facing a choice.

Either – convert to Islam, or pay the exorbitant Jizya tax (in the West we call this protection money), or face the death penalty.

They are not kidding either – Fox News is reporting that …

they (ISIS) have beheaded, mutilated, raped, stoned and even crucified those whose behavior is “unIslamic” or whose religious convictions displease them.

There has been a church in Mosul since the 1st century. And yet today, the vast majority of the Christians there are fleeing for their lives.

It is an ironic truth that – in the years since the toppling of the dictator Saddam Hussein – religious extremism has been on the rise. Fast forward to today – Iraq is one of…

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RESPONDblog: The Persecution in Iraq is NOT about endings – but Resurrection

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