This chart was made using information contained in a new Fox News Poll -- done between August 27th and 29th of a random national sample of 1,006 registered voters, with a 3 point margin of error.
Frankly, I think this poll is very frightening. There should be no doubt that white supremacists pose a serious danger to this country, while a free and unfettered media is necessary for the protection of our representative democracy. Unfortunately many Americans think just the opposite, and that makes me fear for the future of this country (and exposes just how racist and fascist this country really is).
According to the poll, white supremacists are considered more dangerous than the media by only a 7 point margin by the general public (47% to 40%). By itself that would be very frightening, but there are groups that actually think the media is more dangerous than white supremacists -- men (by a 3 point margin), whites (by a 3 point margin), Republicans (by a 51 point margin), and Trump voters (by a 62 point margin).
How can any decent American believe white supremacists are less dangerous than a free press?