
Rep. Dan Crenshaw Says He Will Be ‘effectively Blind’ for a Month After Emergency Eye Surgery

Posted on the 10 April 2021 by Thiruvenkatam Chinnagounder @tipsclear

U.S. Rep. Dan Crenshaw, R-Texas, will be "effectively blind" for about a month after he was rushed into emergency eye surgery to treat a detached retina, the lawmaker revealed on Saturday.

The eye patch-wearing Crenshaw, 37, recently noticed "some dark blurry spots" in his vision before an ophthalmologist on Thursday "discovered that my retina was detaching," the two-term Texas Republican said in a lengthy Twitter post.

"This is a terrifying prognosis for someone with one eye," he wrote. "The prognosis I received on Thursday is obviously very bad."

He underwent surgery at Michael E. DeBakey Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Houston on Friday. The procedure went well, according to Crenshaw, who told constituents they won't be hearing from him for several weeks.

"The surgery went well, but I will be effectively blind for about a month," Crenshaw wrote.

"This is why you're not going to hear from me for a while. I likely will not be conducting interviews and likely will not be posting on social media, except to give updates on my health and recovery."

The U.S. Navy SEAL lost his right eye in 2012 due to an IED blast in Afghanistan.

"Anyone who knows the history of my injuries knows that I don't have a 'good eye,' but half of a good eye," he wrote.

Crenshaw is best known for his run-in with "Saturday Night Live" comedian Pete Davidson, who in 2018 mocked the then-candidate's eyepatch.

"You may be surprised to hear he's a congressional candidate from Texas and not a hit man in a porno movie," Davidson said with a picture of Crenshaw on the screen. "I'm sorry, I know he lost his eye in war or whatever."

Rep. Dan Crenshaw says he will be ‘effectively blind’ for a month after emergency eye surgery

The backlash was fast and severe, forcing an apology from Davidson.

"In what I'm sure was a huge shock to people who know me, I made a poor choice last week," he said after the incident. "I mean this from the bottom of my heart. It was a poor choice of words. The man is a war hero and he deserves all the respect in the world."

Crenshaw got the last laugh when he appeared on "SNL" and mocked Davidson, who he said "looks like if the meth from 'Breaking Bad' was a person."

Also during the bit, Crenshaw's cellphone went off playing "Breathin'" by Ariana Grande, in a comic jab at Davidson's high-profile breakup with the pop princess.

This past November, Crenshaw won re-election for his seat that represents the Houston suburbs.

"Freedom isn't free-it's built on the sacrifice of our service men and women like my friend, Dan Crenshaw," U.S. Rep. Jodey Arrington, R-Texas, said in a statement. "Please join me in praying for his speedy and full recovery."

And U.S. Rep Sylvia Garcia, a Democrat from Houston, added: "Prayers to you, Tara and family. Let me know if I or my staff can assist in any way. God Bless."

Rep. Dan Crenshaw says he will be ‘effectively blind’ for a month after emergency eye surgery

Rep. Dan Crenshaw says he will be ‘effectively blind’ for a month after emergency eye surgery

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