NREL released the annual report assessment of U.S. renewable energy for 2012. This report includes statistics from the worldwide renewable energy development, clean energy investments, and data on specific technologies.
This data library is packed with charts and graphics, which may be important for analysts, and policymakers for decision making and progress monitoring.
Key findings for the solar industry:
- Solar electricity generating capacity grew by a factor of over 21 between 2000 and 2012 and currently accounts for 0.3% of annual U.S. electricity generation.
- Countries with extensive solar policies—such as Germany, Spain, and Italy— lead the world in solar photovoltaic (PV) deployment. Similarly, U.S. states with extensive solar incentives lead the United States in both cumulative and annual installations in 2012 (California, Arizona, New Jersey, Nevada, and Colorado).
- U.S. manufacturers currently have a small share of the worldwide PV market. Asian—particularly Chinese—manufacturers lead the market with nearly 85% of the global photovoltaic module production.
- 30 MW of new concentrating solar power (CSP) capacity came online in the United States in 2012. Approximately 1.6 GW of CSP projects are currently under construction in the United States and are projected to come online in 2013 and 2014; 900 MW are estimated to come online in 2013 alone.