Moto Magazine

Removing Fuel Drip Marks

Posted on the 29 October 2016 by Dbenson117 @dbenson117
fuel drip marks removal polish buff
Fuel drip marks are ugly, but pretty common. However, they are very easy and cheap to remove in less than five minutes, if you don’t let them get too bad. Here is a quick and easy way you can remove them by hand with one trip to Walmart and $15. Everything you buy, you can use again for other projects as well. 
For this, you need three things: 
  • Polish (or a compound, depending on the severity) 
  • A microfiber applicator pad 
  • A microfiber towel 
fuel drip marks removal polish buff
Out of all that, the polish will be your most expensive at probably around $8, while the rest will run you just a few dollars. 
Step one is to wash the area. While you won’t be able to wash the marks away, you will be rubbing the polish in. The last thing you want to do is rub any sand or dirt into the paint. Even though the polish will get rid of it, it’s best to work with a “clean” surface. 
Step two is to apply the polish to your applicator pad. A nickel sized amount in the middle is a good starting point. NOTE: Make sure you are using a polish, not a wax. Wax is for protecting, but a polish actually contains abrasives that cut into the surface. A rubbing compound is even stronger and may be needed if polish doesn’t work. 
Rub the polish coated pad in circular motions over the stained area. Don’t push hard enough to bend metal, but don’t be light enough to have the pad slip past your fingers. A moderate amount of pressure will do. Keep working the polish in. The area/polish will begin to haze. Let it sit for about thirty seconds or so. 
Step three involves some buffing. Take your clean microfiber towel, and with those same circular motions, buff the polish away. Perhaps a little more pressure, backing off to a little less. You should see that the marks are gone. If they are not, repeat the process again. If they really don’t seem to go away, try the same steps, but with a compound.
fuel drip marks removal polish bufffuel drip marks removal polish buff
It’s really that simple. No special tools needed, and this literally takes less than five minutes. The results: looks brand new! 
Check out the video below for me doing this to my car. What to see more stuff like this? Make sure you head on over and subscribe to our YouTube channel. Don’t forget to like us on Facebook, and be sure to follow us on Twitter for some exclusive content! Thanks for stopping by. 

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