Books Magazine

Release by Patrick Ness

By Pamelascott

Inspired by Mrs Dalloway and Judy Blume's Forever, Release is one day in the life of Adam Thorn, 17. It's a big day. Things go wrong. It's intense, and all the while, weirdness approaches...

Adam Thorn is having what will turn out to be the most unsettling, difficult day of his life, with relationships fracturing, a harrowing incident at work, and a showdown between this gay teen and his preacher father that changes everything. It's a day of confrontation, running, sex, love, heartbreak, and maybe, just maybe, hope. He won't come out of it unchanged. And all the while, lurking at the edges of the story, something extraordinary and unsettling is on a collision course.


[Adam would have to get flowers himself]


(Walker Books, 4 May 2017, borrowed from my library)



I'm a huge, huge fan of Patrick Ness. Release is very good.

I think Adam is a great character. I loved his voice, he's so real and vulnerable I wanted to give him a big hug. He's hard on himself and his parents aren't exactly the best. He represses his sexuality because of the strong beliefs of his parents, especially his father who's a preacher. There's a showdown between Adam and his father towards the end that's heart-breaking.

I also think Angela, Adam's a great character. She's an epic best friend and I loved the relationship between them both. Yay to friendship and people having your back and pizza!

I didn't completely get the whole magical realism thing with the ghost of a murdered girl rising (because Adam pricks his thumb with a thorn!) and she becomes a Queen and meets a faun! I got a bit lost in this part of the story to be honest and it didn't work for me.

Release Patrick Ness

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