So you've moved onto having your second child but do you really need to register for them? I honestly was asked this question a million times when Zach and I first found out we were pregnant with our second a few months ago. We opted to find out the gender and was excited to find out that we were having a boy, but did that make us need to register for 'boy items' then?
Because so many of our friends were so thoughtful in wanting to throw us a Sprinkle ( your second baby ) we opted to register to make it easier for family and friends to send us things. So what on earth do you register for when you're having a second? Here are some of the top things we were hoping ( and actually DID ) receive!
1. Double Stroller - I was the one that was unsure if we needed one but after chatting with Mom's of multiples, they all insisted that we HAD to have one. We decided to go with the Graco Modes Duo Doubles Stroller because we had a Graco car seat from when Lily was born but you guys, this was incredible! With 27 various ways to move the seats around, so much storage, and a bench seat if Lily wants to stand or sit instead of riding in the toddler seat. One of my favorite features is the click connect so I can put his car seat from the car and onto the stroller without any hassle! Plus press one button for it to fold. Super simple.
2. Dock A Tot- While I actually didn't register for this ( review coming soon ) so many parents raved about it to me. It's portable, easy to wash, and keeps your baby safe on their back and cozy.
3. Binxy Baby - I also didn't register for this item ( review coming soon ) but had to share with you the amazingness of this hammock before my full review comes onto the blog. I was always terrified of shopping with 2 kids but now that this came into my life, I'm pretty sure I'll have the hang of it. It fits to most grocery cart and easy for your little one to enjoy the ride while your toddler has her own seat up front!
4, Covered Goods - This multi purpose cover is a God send! You can use it for so many different things such as a scarf, nursing cover, car seat cover or seat cover for when you're out at the grocery store. I really don't know how I ever survived without one and can't wait to use it soon.
5. Video Monitor - We purchased this for Lily's room but being the worried Mom ( duh ) that I am I knew I needed a second one for our baby boy's room. This monitor is awesome because it hooks up to our phone as an app so no more worrying about finding the video monitor anywhere or charging it ( except to charge your phone ). It allows for Zach and I to talk, play music, see what the temperature in the room is and more!