Fashion Magazine

Reflection - 2013

By Emmielois @emmielois
 Reflection - 2013 I started this blog back in June and time has well and truly flown by since then. We are now entering a new year...there will be 2013 AND 2014 on my Archive! For a first time blogger that seems crazy!
 Apologies in advance, because this is going to be a rambler. But I really just wanted to talk about the positive things that have happened at the start of this little blog's life! .Staring TopKnot Fringe and a Whatnot has been one of the highlights of 2013. It had been an idea in the making for about 2 years prior to me biting the bullet and actually getting on with it. One of my favorite things is finishing a post and seeing all the positive comments that it receives and all the emails I get. If I am having a rubbish day at college or something, it really makes me happy when I get an email of someone who has commented something lovely.  *.I went to my first ever 'blogger meet up' as well this year. This was something that I NEVER even thought about doing, but I did and I am so happy I went because it was so great meeting some local bloggers and just have a good natter about fashion and makeup - and even Disney at one point! (big hugs to Megan who organised the event) I hope there are more events going on this year that I can be a part of, and that I get to meet more of the fashion bloggers that are in my local area. Reflection - 2013Reflection - 2013*.Outfit posts have become my favorite to blog. I love innocently putting an outfit together and then thinking "ooooh, think I'll blog this one!" One of my main goals at the moment is trying to wear the same things in different ways (or is that just an excuse to hide my undying love for my Cheap Monday boots? Shown in the last 12415346 outfit posts...whoops!)  But really though, I do not have the money to be buying new clothes all the time -especially just to blog about-  and I think it is good to see how someone uses an investment piece with lots of different looks. I have a lot of new outfit posts coming soon, due to Christmas presents and money that I have received. I hope you like them as much as I like blogging about them! Reflection - 2013
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Reflection - 2013
Reflection - 2013
Reflection - 2013
Reflection - 2013
Reflection - 2013 * .Yes, the blog is still relatively small and no, I don't have a bajillion followers, but hey, it's all gradually growing behind the scenes... trust me. I set myself a little goal to get to 50 bloglovin followers before the New Year, and guess what... I've done it! A big thanks to you 50 wonderful people who may be reading this now, and of course, the 17 who follow me on GFC.We are still in double figures, I'd love to make it to triple figures in the next year! Thank you for reading and actually being interested in my style and ramblings. Reflection - 2013 * That was a ramble and a half!  Well, here's to 2014, I have a feeling that it is going to be a good one.
Are you ready?  LET'S GO Reflection - 2013 
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