So I hear there’s some sort of holiday this week. I think that means I’m supposed to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving and all that jazz. So there you go. Don’t pig out too much. And be thankful. That is all. Let’s get to articles that you’ll hopefully find interesting this week.
- “It’s a cleansing agent for those of us who need reminding that our ideas of what anime is, or should be” I’m pretty sure I don’t need to add to that.
- “How do you stay connected to the anime community?” I think I’m sensing a theme here…
- “Again, another blonde-haired, blue-eyed girl, this time drinking what I can only assume from the dopey expression on her face is a rum and coke.” All about race and shoujo magazine covers in the past.
- “Even though we have one Titan of an upstart, everyone knows who the true king of manga really is.” This has something to do with a popular pirate manga. Honest.
- “I’m giving away 5 first volumes of various manga series!” There’s really not much more that needs to be said!
- “…while Japan are very proud of themselves and their lifestyle, they can’t help but be extremely fascinated by the UK.” These sound like fighting words! (not)
- “5 Inexpensive Places to Stay in Japan” Lynn, just in case you need reminding, also has her own blog.
- “Not much substance other then meaningless sex or rape that isn’t considered rape because the main female lead begins to enjoy it (which is pretty sickening).” Uh-oh, some mangaka’s getting taken to task here.
- “Anime isn’t special, and neither are you for liking it, and no, these false barriers of entry are only there to protect your ego.” I’ve been telling you that anime isn’t special!!! I’ve been telling you!!! (I haven’t)
- “7 Reasons That Make Shingeki no Kyojin a Daring Social Commentary” HAVEEE FUNNNNNNNNNN
- “There is a lesson I learned along the way, and it’s this: “adult” does not necessarily mean “mature”.” This involves children’s anime, to an extent.
Amusing Tweets For Your Day’s Pleasure
I've come around to thinking that I probably shouldn't take seriously those people who describe things as "pretentious."
— Matthew Rorie (@frailgesture) November 23, 2013
It seems like it's often just shorthand for "this art confuses me and thus I will dismiss it outright rather than try to understand it."
— Matthew Rorie (@frailgesture) November 23, 2013
@Kami_nomi Talking is good.
— Illogicalzen (@Illogicalzen) November 23, 2013
This week’s blog post: Image resolution and the moiré effect, and what they mean in digital manga publishing.
— Amimaru Manga (@AmimaruManga) November 18, 2013
— Yoko (@PinkShikibu) November 19, 2013
— Emily (@Picotly) November 22, 2013
A Chapter a Day Keeps the Doctor Away Introduction: via @YouTube
— BrainwasherDetective (@hisuiRT) November 23, 2013
Giant Bomb is a website about video games. NEVER FORGET! Even when it must go deeper:
— GiantBombSquad (@GiantBombSquad) November 23, 2013
— grumpy naru-chan (@MakaLawliet) November 24, 2013
I kinda need people to fangirl over Aikatsu with
— Kuuki (@kuro_yuki) November 24, 2013
?Cowboy Bebop ? HEROMAN?
— ?? ?? (@Tamon_Ohta) November 23, 2013