
Redis as Cache: How It Works and Why to Use It

Posted on the 09 March 2023 by Wbcom Designs @wbcomdesigns

Redis is a high-performance, in-memory data structure store used as a cache, database, and message broker. It is an open-source, key-value database designed for fast and efficient data storage and retrieval. Redis is widely used as a cache because it stores data in memory, making it extremely fast and efficient. This blog will closely examine how Redis works as a cache and why you should use it.

How Redis Works as a Cache

Redis as a cache works by storing frequently accessed data in memory. When an application needs data, it first checks Redis cache. If the data is not found in Redis cache, the application then retrieves the data from a slower, persistent storage layer, such as a database or file system. This is called a cache miss. However, if the data is found in Redis cache, it is returned to the application. This is called a cache hit.

Redis uses a key-value data model, storing data as key-value pairs. Redis supports a variety of data structures, such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, and sorted sets. Each data structure has its own set of commands that can be used to manipulate the stored data.

Redis cache can be configured to use a variety of eviction policies to remove old or less frequently accessed data from memory. Some of the popular eviction policies include LRU (Least Recently Used), LFU (Least Frequently Used), and TTL (Time to Live). With TTL, Redis cache can automatically be configured to remove data after a specified period.

Why Use Redis as a Cache

There are several reasons why Redis is a popular choice for caching:

  • Speed: Redis is designed to be extremely fast and efficient, making it an excellent choice for caching frequently accessed data.
  • Scalability: Redis cache can be scaled horizontally by adding more servers to the Redis cluster.
  • Persistence: Redis can be configured to persist data to disk, providing a fallback option in case of a server failure or restart.
  • Data Structures: Redis supports various data structures, allowing for efficient manipulation and storage of data.
  • Low Latency: Redis cache can provide low latency for cache hits, significantly improving application performance.

Redis Object Cache for WordPress

Redis as Cache: How it Works and Why to Use it

Redis’s caching mechanism can speed up WordPress database queries when combined with a traditional relational database like MySQL or MariaDB. Here’s how it works:

  • When a WordPress page is requested, the database query is first sent to Redis to see if the result is cached.
  • If the result is cached in Redis, it is returned to WordPress without the need to query the database. This can significantly improve page load times because the database query is skipped altogether.
  • If the result is not cached in Redis, the query is executed on the MySQL or MariaDB database, and the result is stored in Redis for future requests.

By caching frequently accessed data in Redis, WordPress can avoid the overhead of executing expensive database queries on every page request. This can significantly improve website performance and reduce server load.

Redis cache can be used to speed up a WordPress website. Redis is an in-memory data structure store used as a database, stock, and message broker. It is often used as a cache because it can provide fast access to frequently accessed data.

To use Redis cache with a WordPress website, you must install and configure the Redis object cache plugin. This plugin allows WordPress to use Redis as a caching backend. Here are the general steps you would follow:

  • Install and configure Redis on your server. This typically involves installing and configuring the Redis server software to run as a service.
  • Install the Redis object cache plugin in WordPress. You can do this by going to the Plugins menu in the WordPress dashboard, clicking Add New, and searching for “Redis Object Cache.”
  • Configure the Redis object cache plugin. In addition, you will need to specify the hostname and port number for your Redis server and any authentication credentials if required.
  • Test the Redis cache. You can do this by visiting your WordPress website and verifying that it loads faster. You can also check the Redis server logs to see if there are any errors.

It is important to note that Redis cache may not be appropriate for all WordPress websites, particularly those with infrequently accessed content or low traffic. Additionally, using Redis cache requires some technical knowledge, so you may want to consult a WordPress developer if unsure how to proceed.

In what way does Redis work with cache plugins in WordPress?

Traditional WordPress plugins are typically designed to cache the front end of a website, which involves caching static versions of pages and posts that do not require server-side processing. This can help to speed up page load times and reduce the server load by serving up cached content instead of generating it from scratch on every page request.

In contrast, Redis is a server-side cache that can store frequently accessed data in memory, such as database queries or other server-side data. Therefore, when combined with WordPress, Redis can help speed up website performance by reducing the number of database queries and other server-side operations required to generate a page.

One advantage of using Redis as a server-side cache is that it can cache various data types, including lists, maps, and sorted sets. This can provide more powerful caching capabilities than traditional WordPress cache plugins, which are typically limited to caching static content on the front end of a website.

Overall, Redis and WordPress cache plugins serve different purposes but can be used together to improve website performance and reduce server load. By caching frequently accessed data in memory with Redis, WordPress can serve up content more quickly and efficiently, improving the user experience and reducing the load on the server.

What precautions should be taken before enabling Redis cache on a WordPress site?

Before enabling Redis cache on a WordPress site, some precautions should be taken. Some of these include:

  • Making sure that the server environment is compatible with Redis.
  • Ensuring that Redis is appropriately installed and configured on the server.
  • Backing up the WordPress site and database before enabling Redis cache.
  • Testing Redis cache on a staging or development site before allowing it on the live site.
  • Ensuring Redis cache is configured correctly and optimized to avoid data consistency issues or cache invalidation problems.

By taking these precautions, you can help ensure that the Redis cache is appropriately set up and configured for your WordPress site and avoid potential issues that could impact website performance or data integrity.


Redis is a high-performance, in-memory data structure store widely used as a cache. It stores frequently accessed data in memory and provides several benefits: speed, scalability, persistence, support for data structures, and low latency. In addition, Redis cache can significantly improve application performance by reducing the load on slower, persistent storage layers. If you are looking for a fast and efficient caching solution, Redis is worth considering.

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