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(Bangalore) Some 13 million people living in the megalopolis of Bangalore and its surroundings were reconfigured Tuesday evening, soon followed by the 125 million inhabitants of the state of Bihar, in the hope of slowing down the epidemic caused by the coronavirus which strikes India.
Published on 13 July 2020 in 11 h 16 Updated to 12 h 20
France Media Agency
After having imposed a brutal confinement on a national scale at the end of March, New Delhi lifted it at the beginning of June but the local reconfinements and the other sanitary measures of protection are increasing at the initiative of local authorities in this country of 1.3 billion inhabitants.
The second most populous nation on the planet counts to date 23 727 dead for 906 752 reported cases of COVID – 19, rapidly increasing figures. Experts believe that the peak of the epidemic is still not reached.
If Bombay and New Delhi are the cities most affected by this disease, Bangalore is emerging as one of the new foci of the virus in India.
A reconstitution ordered by the regional government came into effect Tuesday evening at 20 h (08 h 30 Montreal time) at this Indian high-tech headquarters and in adjoining districts. This is officially in place until 22 July morning.
Residents of Bangalore rushed into stores on Tuesday to fill their fridge and cupboards before the start of the containment, fearing supply difficulties and a extension of the measure.
“With the restrictions on the movement of vehicles, I don't want to take any risks from tomorrow. I stock up for two weeks, at least I can take the brands of my choice, “said AFP Mangala, a housewife lining up outside a shop.
Public transport is at a standstill and only essential services and shops can continue to open.
“People are afraid: the government has announced only ten days of confinement, but this could be extended to one or two months,” said the official. 'AFP Seema, a resident of the city, who had enough stocks to last a month.
In the north of India, the great poor region of Bihar announced in the afternoon the reconfiguration of its few 125 million inhabitants from Thursday for 15 days, becoming the first Indian state to impose continuous reconfiguration on its entire territory.
A reconfiguration is also in place in the city of Pune, which has approximately six million inhabitants.
Several states, including Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Assam, have announced in recent days additional restrictions to curb the virus spread.
Despite the virulence of the epidemic, the human toll remains contained in this country with a young population.
India has so far only registered 17, 2 dead from the COVID – 19 for a million inhabitants, far 409, 7 in the United States or 342, 6 in Brazil, the two countries most bereaved by the pandemic. This calculation was obtained from official balance sheets compiled by the AFP.