Community Magazine

Red Ted Art

By Jean Campbell

Red Ted ArtMaggy Woodley, from the UK, is mother to Red Ted (3) and Pip Squeak (1) After having Red Ted she decided to become a “stay at home mum” and now runs a Craft Blog Red Ted Art from home.

Red Ted Art
As Maggy puts it, "Like many stay at home mums, I need just a little something else to keep my mind active. I love being with my children and that I am lucky enough to watch them grow and develop but I also needed a little bit of variety. I started off by selling artwork for children under the Red Ted Art brand. I realized that if I wanted to drive people to my site, I would have to offer something in return – Red Ted Art the Craft Resource was born. It almost happened by accident. I posted a couple of crafty things (Funky Party Bags as well as some Painted Peg Animals) and it took off from there – my love for craft was reawakened and I haven’t looked back since. Especially since my children enjoy it so much too. it is a win- win in my eyes.

I know that crafting is not everyone body’s thing. Many think that they are not creative while others dislike the mess or feel they don’t have the time. So I try and bring a broad mix of crafts – some to inspire (to those that need help with ideas), some that are not messy at all and others that are very quick, but fun. I see how much children get out of crafts and how they can play with the same crafted toys for weeks (see our Boy & Penguin). Crafting is wonderful for bonding, for nurturing and for developing all sorts of skills (amongst others, creativity, imagination, motor skills and confidence). I really do hope that Red Ted Art helps others find their love for crafts and inspires them to have a go. There are no “rubbish” crafters in my eyes!"

Red Ted Art

Bringing Art & Colour to Children's Hearts

[email protected]

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