Maggy Woodley, from the UK, is mother to Red Ted (3) and Pip Squeak (1) After having Red Ted she decided to become a “stay at home mum” and now runs a Craft Blog Red Ted Art from home.
As Maggy puts it, "Like many stay at home mums, I need just a little something else to keep my mind active. I love being with my children and that I am lucky enough to watch them grow and develop but I also needed a little bit of variety. I started off by selling artwork for children under the Red Ted Art brand. I realized that if I wanted to drive people to my site, I would have to offer something in return – Red Ted Art the Craft Resource was born. It almost happened by accident. I posted a couple of crafty things (Funky Party Bags as well as some Painted Peg Animals) and it took off from there – my love for craft was reawakened and I haven’t looked back since. Especially since my children enjoy it so much too. it is a win- win in my eyes.
I know that crafting is not everyone body’s thing. Many think that they are not creative while others dislike the mess or feel they don’t have the time. So I try and bring a broad mix of crafts – some to inspire (to those that need help with ideas), some that are not messy at all and others that are very quick, but fun. I see how much children get out of crafts and how they can play with the same crafted toys for weeks (see our Boy & Penguin). Crafting is wonderful for bonding, for nurturing and for developing all sorts of skills (amongst others, creativity, imagination, motor skills and confidence). I really do hope that Red Ted Art helps others find their love for crafts and inspires them to have a go. There are no “rubbish” crafters in my eyes!"
Red Ted Art
Bringing Art & Colour to Children's Hearts