I remember vowing that I would be sharing more salads didn't I? The thing with salads is that I so often just throw one together; including the dressing, and then after the fact the next day have to not only recreate it for a photo but first things first...I have to remember exactly what I used. I haven't bought a bottled salad dressing in years preferring to grab things from the fridge and the pantry and often make something as simple as olive oil, balsamic vinegar and whatever the spirit moves me. Blogging about it is usually not on my mind...until after I've enjoyed the results! Luckily I had this recipe for Red Leaf Lettuce with Apple and Parmesan Crisps covered.
This salad is my version of a recipe I saw in a Bon Appetit magazine from last year so I just had to make a couple of notes during preparation. I've made some major changes; red leaf lettuce was perfect and a trip to the grocery for specialty lettuces really was not necessary. I've changed up the dressing quite a bit too. I wanted garlic and decided to saute it and the shallots to mellow them a bit and this dressing was so good I can only recommend that as an absolute necessity. Despite my changes, it has the same spirit with the apple slices and Parmesan Crisps and it is an absolute winner. I've made Parmesan Crisps before and wonder why I'm not making them every single day of my life and then I eat them up with such abandon that I answer my own question. I would be rolling around like a Parmesan wheel!
This was simple and absolutely fantastic. I'll be jumping on the chocolate bandwagon for Valentines Day later this week when I post with my Food Network #ComfortFoodFest group but if you are more inclined to stay in and enjoy a quieter meal with your sweetie, you need more than just dessert and this would be a fantastic addition for a salad course. Not celebrating Valentines Day? No worries...make it for YOU!
Apple Salad with Parmesan Crisps
Apples and Parmesan cheese, especially slightly melted and crispy Parmesan cheese. Really how could this be wrong?