I just updated my LinkedIn profile this morning. After 5 years and nearly 10,000 subscribers I figured that it is about time to list Branding & Marketing Publisher as one of my current jobs on LinkedIn.
Because I think LinkedIn is one of the best ways to get found by business professionals and that I know people are looking for on line publications — even those written by bloggers — I wanted to make sure people could find Branding & Marketing on LinkedIn.
So now I’m going to ask a favor.
As a way of helping me out, would you mind recommending my work on this blog? All I need is about 10 words. Just go to my LinkedIn account and do a recommendation under my Branding and Marketing job. This is how it looks:

When you go to my profile, there should be a little line underneath this block of copy that says:
Recommend Christine (Chris)’s work at Branding & Marketing.
If you are so inclined, just click that link and leave a few words. Thanks!