Destinations Magazine

Recipes for Halloween the Scariest Night of the Whole Year: Fried Ghosts of Yellow Pumpkin.

By Hugor @msdiaz61

Fried squash of yellow pumpkin ? It's only when you sit down together at the table and the appetizers are served that the party really starts. And Halloween is no exception.

Whether it's pumpkin patties, savory pies filled with various delicacies or a sophisticated quiche, the appetizer is always welcome. This is why it is important to always have at hand so many delicious recipes with which to amaze family and friends.

Fried squash of yellow pumpkin.

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Do you want to know the recipe for preparing a delicious fried pumpkin ghosts?

The protagonist of the dish that we show today is an autumn vegetable with a bright color and juicy pulp: we are talking about the yellow pumpkin.

This food, thanks to its extraordinary versatility, is useful in cooking in the preparation of velvety and risotto. But also side dishes raw, boiled, baked or steamed, which make it a tantalizing and appetizing dish. In fact, there are many ways to cook pumpkin.

Read also: Tartlets with ham and Belgian endive.

Halloween ghosts.

As soon as the cooking is finished, place the slice of the beautiful country on top of the still hot fritter. In this way it will melt slightly. Or pass the pancakes with the cheese on the oven grill for 2 minutes. The slice will melt, becoming the sheet of a Halloween ghost

Here is the recipe, ingredients and tips.

for 4 people

400 g of yellow pumpkin
100 g of flour
4 thick slices of beautiful country
Seed oil for frying

20 '+ 30' of rest
  • Peel the pumpkin, then cut it into strips 3 mm thick, shaping them with person-shaped molds.
  • Then place them on a tray with a kitchen cloth.
  • Salt the pumpkin and season it with the rosemary, leaving it to rest for at least 30 minutes.
  • Meanwhile flour the pumpkin omini and pass them in a colander to remove excess flour.
15 '
  • Put the seed oil to heat and when ready to fry.
  • Immerse yourself the little men and with the help of two spoons make sure that the pancake, of a diameter of at least ten centimeters, does not open while frying.
  • When the pancake is golden brown, remove it from the oil and let it cool on absorbent paper.
  • After 1 minute, place the slice of the beautiful country on top of the pancake, which will then melt slightly or pass the pancakes with the cheese on the oven grill for 2 minutes.
  • The slice will melt, becoming the sheet of a Halloween ghost. Serve hot

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