Destinations Magazine

Recipe: Vegan Egg Nog

By Emma @glasgowfoodie

Egg Nog is the essence of Christmas captured in a single glass. The only problem is that the traditional recipe is a cupful of calories so this vegan version makes a guilt-free alternative. Serve hot or chilled and leave the rum out for the kids or non-alcohol drinking family members.

Recipe: Vegan Egg Nog

1 pkt (349g) Yutaka Japanese-style silken tofu

13 fl oz soy milk

1 tbs vanilla extract

1 oz sugar

2 tbs soft brown sugar

¼ tsp ground turmeric

Freshly grated nutmeg

¼ pt rum

Recipe: Vegan Egg Nog

Combine all ingredients (apart from nutmeg and rum) in a food processor until well combined and then chill. When ready to drink add rum and mix thoroughly, pour into glasses and sprinkle nutmeg over each glass.



Recipe: Vegan

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