As a huge fan of Action/Cy-Fi/Post-Apocalyptic movies and books, its only easy for me to share my enthusiasm on this new artist I found on the web. Based in Ontario, Canada, Steve McGhee’s illustrations are like scenes taken out from of a Hollywood blockbuster. And I love them, im already going through his site to pre-order some cool illustrations myself.
McGhee: “My work reflects a personal interest in things human beings have little or no control over. We walk through life feeling like we’re indestructible, while in reality, we’re just the opposite. In the days and weeks following a major catastrophes, people tend to reboot – we get shocked back into being human. That is to say, we react in an undeniably human way… whenever tragedy strikes in the world people come together to help those directly affected. It’s just too bad we have to be reminded that we’re human in such terrible ways.” – Steve McGhee
In addition to top notch Photoshop abilities, the other ingredient necessary for this apocalyptic cocktail would be a vivid imagination, which he has in awe-inspiring abundance. Checl out his website here!

Images by Steve McGhee, all rights reserved, reproduced with permission