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Inspired by a recent trip to Belfast where we had a reminder of how good Fifteen Cake (or simply Fifteens) is, I decided to make some myself. It seems like everyone in Northern Ireland loves Fifteens but I didn't even know of its existence until about 7 yrs ago when we gained some Northern Irish in-laws in the family and this was one of their favourites.
It's one of the easiest cakes to make, it's addictive and you'll soon see why it's not one for a dieter! So why is it called Fifteens? It's not because there are 15 ingredients (as we first thought) but because there are 15 each of the three main ingredients!
One can of condensed milk
15 digestive biscuits
15 marshmallows
15 glacé cherries
desiccated coconut
First, put 15 of the biscuits in a bag and bash the living daylights out of it, Just as if you were making a cheesecake base.
Add the crumbs to a bowl. Chop the cherries and marshmallows in half and add them to the crumbs.
Lay out a sheet of tin foil about 80cm long. Scatter the coconut over it evenly and leave it for later.
Mix in the condensed milk. Get your hands sticky and mix everything together.
Mould the mixture into a ball shape and remove from the bowl Transfer it onto the coconut coated tin foil. Shape the mixture into a long sausage shape.
Make sure the "sausage" is coated in coconut. Wrap up the tinfoil to cover it and place into the fridge for a good few hours. Then take it out and cut into slices.
Eat! Remember to place any leftovers back in the fridge or it will go soft.
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